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Cloudcycler is a system to cycle AWS cloud resources on and off on a time-of-day basis. Internal resources such as development/testing/staging resources may not need to be running outside office hours. Turning these off when they are not needed helps to reduce costs.

Cloudcycler provides a cloudcycler command that can be run on a cron job. It will read a single task file, or task files from a directory.

Task definitions use a ruby DSL to specify the schedule, and identify resources to be cycled.

A ccadm utility is provided to control per-resource settings, which overrides task level settings. This way, resources can be rescheduled or excluded without having to manage and/or deploy task files.

Currently supported

EC2 instances can be stopped and started.

Autoscaling groups have their processes suspended, and the underlying instances either terminated (default) or stopped.

CloudFormation stacks can be deleted and rebuilt with the same template and parameters. Alternatively, the list of stack resources will be scanned, and the resources will be stopped/started individually.


  • Run as a daemon (will allow more fine-grained scheduling)
  • ccadm REST API
  • Better reporting


Add the following to a Gemfile:

sources ''

gem 'cloudcycler', git: ''

And then run bundle install

Create a DynamoDB table

A DynamoDB is used to store schedules created by the ccadm utility. These schedules are read by the cloudcycler utility.

Create a DynamoDB table called cloudcycler with a Hash Key called name.

Create an S3 bucket

An S3 bucket is needed to store configuration about CloudFormation stacks. The configuration is used when restoring a CloudFormation stack that was previously scaled down.

The bucket can have any name but must be supplied to the cloudcycler utility.

Basic usage

For more information on how to use the ccadm utility, type ccadm --help in your console.

To check the schedule of a CloudFormation stack:

$ ccadm -r ap-southeast-2 cfn mystack-dev
cfn:mystack-dev uses the default schedule

To change the schedule of a stack:

$ ccadm -r ap-southeast-2 cfn mystack-dev schedule "MTWTF-- 0600-2000"
cfn:mystack-dev now has the schedule MTWTF-- 0600-2000

To exclude certain stacks from a schedule:

$ ccadm -r ap-southeast-2 cfn mystack-dev exclude
cfn:mystack-dev will be ignored by cloudcycler
  Schedule will be MTWTF-- 0600-2000 if re-enabled

To reset a stack to the default schedule (do not cycle):

$ ccadm -r ap-southeast-2 cfn mystack-dev reset
cfn:mystack-dev will now be included in the default schedule

For more information on how to use the cloudcycler utility, type cloudcycler --help in your console.

To use the cloudcycler utility:

$ cloudcycler -r ap-southeast-2

Cloudcycler config file

The cloudcycler utility can read configuration from a YAML file.

  • region - default AWS region
  • log-file - file to log to
  • bucket-name - default S3 bucket
  • bucket-prefix - prefix (folder) for S3 objects
  • bucket-region - region for S3 bucket
  • task-file - task file
  • take-directory - task directory

Schedule syntax

e.g. Schedule to be on between 08:00 and 18:00 Monday to Friday

MTWTF-- 0800-1800
  • MTWTFSS will toggle the day on
  • - or any other charcter will toggle the day off
  • Start and stop times are in 24-hour format
  • Dates/times are based on your local timezone

Using the DSL

task 'cycle-some-resource' do
  schedule 'MTWTF-- 0800-1800'

  cloudformation_include /-dev$/
  cloudformation_exclude /fragile-dev$/

Use the cloudcycler utility to run your task files.

$ cloudcycler -r ap-southeast-2 -b bucket-name -f task_file.rb

Global options

The following options can be declared directly inside a task file.


Sets the default S3 bucket to store configuration files, etc.

This can also be defined in task blocks.


Default prefix (i.e. folder) to prepend to S3 object names.


Default region for S3 buckets, if different from the region being cycled.


Sets the application to dry-run mode.


Changes the logger. May be any type accepted by Logger::new (i.e. a filename, String, or IO).


See Tasks below.


Use a task block to define a task.


Overwrite the default region provided outside of the task block.


Overwrite the default S3 bucket provided outside of the task block.


Overwrite the default S3 bucket prefix provided outside of the task block.


Overwrite the default S3 bucket prefix provided outside of the task block.


An Array of EC2 instances by instance ID to be cycled.


Blacklist EC2 instances to be excluded from pattern matching.


An Array of CloudFormation stacks by stack name to be cycled.


Blacklist Cloudformation stacks to be excluded from pattern matching.



See Schedule syntax for usage.


(Currently Cloudcycler only supports stop/start action right now).


Available options are:

  • :delete - saves data about the stack and then deletes it. Fails down to :scale_down if certain checks fail
  • :scale_down - cycles supported resources created by the stack individually.

The :delete action will check the following conditions are met before deleting a stack:

  • The stack does not appear to be linked to another stack (stack output matches an input parameter of another stack)
  • The stack is not created by another stack
  • The stack contains no static (non-autoscaled) EC2 instances.
  • Multiple DB instances (RDS snapshot not supported for multiple DB instances)
  • rds_snapshot_parameter must be defined if DB instances are present
  • CloudFormation template must accept the value supplied for rds_snapshot_parameter


Available options are:

  • :terminate - Instances in the autoscaling group are terminated after stopping the autoscaling processes
  • :stop - Instances in the autoscaling group are stopped after stopping the autoscaling process

Note: When using the :stop option, it is possible that the instances will fail to startup and become healthy before the autoscaling group terminates them.


Cycle AWS cloud resources on and off based on time of day







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