Execute the following script on the AzSQL database
Update the AzSQL database connection details in the following file
Clone the repository and make it private
Edit the "/.github/workflows/build.yml" file and update the ACR instance related details.
ACR_INSTANCE_NAME is the ACR instance name
ACR_USERNAME is the ACR instance user
ACR_PASSWORD is the ACR instance password
Commit the changes to the repository using "git push" command
Execute git commit -am "added the ACR repository details"
Execute git push
Navigate to the "/.github/workflows/build.yml" file on the browser and then click on "View Runs" button and then click on the "Run Workflow" button. This should build the code and deploy the jar and image to the ACR.
az aks get-credentials --resource-group=<resource-group> --name=<aks-cluster-name>
az aks update --resource-group=<resource-group> --name=<aks-cluster-name> --attach-acr <ACR_INSTANCE_NAME>
kubectl run chaos-app --image=<ACR_INSTANCE_NAME>.azurecr.io/chaos-app:latest --namespace=chaos-testing
kubectl expose pod chaos-app --type=LoadBalancer --port=80 --target-port=8080 --namespace=chaos-testing
kubectl get services -o=jsonpath='{.items[*].status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'
From the previous command, use the IP in the http://IP:8080/dashboard to load the application. If the application doesn’t load check if there are no error during the deployment or the port is not blocked