Code started with Superpixel Hierarchical Clustering algorithm (SPHC) For Image Segmentation repository, but changed a lot, using SLINK algorithm, and became much more faster.
Superpixel segmentation methods
Partition hierarchy of segmentation methods
- New hierarchical superpixel clustering method;
- Superpixels comparison;
- Results tested on BSDS500 dataset;
- Jupyter notebook codes, with images and examples;
You can use Conda to configure your environment. Conda file with all prerequisites are available here
conda env create -f i2dl.yml
- fmeasure-segb.ipynb - Creates hierarchical segmentation with superpixels algorithms;
- fmeasure.ipynb - Creates regular segmentation with superpixels algorithms;
- segmentation.ipynb - Provides example of the developed method;
- test_groundtruth.ipynb - Notebook just to test groundthruth evaluation method;
- plot.ipynb - Plot results of hierarchical and regular segmentation methods;
Contains a paper (unpublished) showing the results of the superpixels algorithms and comparing them. Available only in portuguese.
Available in bib folder or inside the paper.