Develop open-source tools to help build upon and use for machine learning/AI projects
- Data Collection via Webcrawl/Scrape
- Load/embed/store files needed to implement RAG
- Generate variations of a given question (utterances) from a csv file using ChatGPT4
- Evaluate an llm's chatbot responses using LangChain's correctness and cosine similarity scores
- Data Engineering
- Open-Source LLM chats
- Natural language processing
- Transfer learning
A resource for gathered learning around methods to build upon and assist in larger AI projects
Many tools are available at a cost, or through API's when they can be easily implemented by the developer. These tools are meant to be a place to start, and might help with some basic needs.
- Copy/clone to personal directory (remove any appended slashes from the name)
- Run from prompt window: python
- Enter precise parent URL address (make sure to use the secure https name if needed)
- Enter output filename - data will be output as a JSON file
- Run
- Make sure you have a huggingface API token saved in your computer as an environment variable
- Run from prompt window
- Enter local path to datafiles (mixed)
- Enter local path for FAISS vector database indicies - future versions will add options for Chroma and others
- Your datafiles are then loaded, embeded using HuggingFace (sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2) and stored in a FAISS vector database for use with your LLM
- Make sure your original csv file contains a column named 'Question'
- Have a valid OpenAI key for using ChatGPT4 API saved into your environment variables
- Make sure you have enough funds/credits for API usage (1.48 to generate 20 utterances for 102 questions)
- Make sure filepath given ends with the final backslash
- Run
- Make sure the input csv file contains columns named 'Question', 'Response', and 'Answer'
- Have a HuggingFace key
- Run
Please communicate any errors or shortcomings as these tools are by no means complete and final solutions - that way they can be fixed. Thanks in advance ✨