A little utility to fire up a static web server for development of static web apps (with PogoScript). This is little more than a command-line wrapper around stitch. Stitchy compiles CommonJS modules AND write them to disk, so that they are ready to deploy to static hosting environments.
npm install stitchy
From a command line
stitchy [options]
Web server port, defaults to 3000
Path to the directory comtaining your pogo and js files, defaults to ./lib
Path to the compiled JavaScript file, defaults to ./public/js/app.js
Path to the directory comtaining your static assets, defaults to ./public
Add the following following files:
Run stitchy:
> stitchy
You should see the two modules under /lib compiled into a single JavaScript. The compiled output is also saved to disk at ./js/app.js
Add some HTML:
Link to your compiled JavaScript and require one of your CommonJS modules:
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/app.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
Open a web browser at: