ClimTools is a library of tools for the analysis and visualization of climate datasets. It is written in Python3 and contains a couple of Fortran routines.
It is made of two modules:
- a miscellaneous library of basic functions that perform the following operations:
- reading and saving of netcdf files (.nc), either using the python netCDF4 package or the python iris package;
- basic computations: daily/monthly anomalies, trends, seasonal statistics, ...;
- EOF calculation using the python eofs module;
- a set of functions used for the calculation of Weather Regimes (see WRtool, clustering (using Kmeans), operations on clusters, projections/rotations in the EOF space, ...;
- visualization: single/multiplot contour maps, Taylor plot, animations..
- a higher level library that contains some more complex tools. Currently the following tools are included:
- WRtool : a tool for the computation of Weather Regimes and related statistics (see WRtool,;
- heat_flux_calc : a tool for the computation of meridional heat fluxes starting from 3D high frequency wind, humidity and temperature fields.
The following steps are needed to be able to use the ClimTools library. Perform them all the first time you're using it, it won't take so long!
Open a terminal inside your code folder and do:
git clone
This will create a folder ClimTools inside your code folder. To update your local version of the code, just go inside the ClimTools folder and do:
git pull origin master
ClimTools needs a Conda environment, which is defined by the file env_ctl4.yml. If you don't have Conda installed, follow the instructions at
To create the environment, open a terminal from your ClimTools folder and do:
conda env create -f environment.yml
Each time you want to use ClimTools, remember to activate the environment first:
conda activate climtools
Open a terminal inside the ClimTools folder and activate the ctl4 environment (conda activate ctl4).
Then do:
conda-develop .
This commands adds the path to the ClimTools folder to the ctl4 environment system paths.
NOTE: These libraries only are needed by the function ctl.clusters_sig() and by ctl.Kmeans_clustering() when set to algorithm 'molteni' (which is not the default). If you are not using these features, you might skip this step.
When the conda environment is correctly installed, you can proceed with the following. Some functions inside require the use of Fortran routines which can be found inside the cluster_fortran/ folder. To make them work, open a terminal from your ClimTools folder and do:
cd cluster_fortran
chmod +x
In alternative, you might just open the file and copy and run each command in shell. This operation will create two binary libraries and in your ClimTools folder.
ClimTools gives you two Python modules. To use the functions inside them, just put at the top of your code:
import climtools_lib as ctl
import climdiags as cd
And then you can play around with the functions.. For example, to produce a simple contour map from a netcdf file:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
var, coords, aux_info = ctl.read_iris_nc('')
map = ctl.plot_map_contour(var, coords['lat'], coords['lon'])