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A curated list of Person Re-Identification papers and BibTeX entries

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Awesome Person ReID

This repository contains a curated list of person re-identification papers and BibTeX entries (mostly until 2021) orgnized by topics.


  • (Book 14) Person Re-Identification
  • (arXiv 16) Person Re-Identification: Past, Present and Future
  • (TPAMI 18) A Systematic Evaluation and Benchmark for Person Re-Identification: Features, Metrics, and Datasets
  • (TCSVT 19) A Survey of Open-World Person Re-Identification
  • (IJCAI 20) Beyond Intra-Modality: A Survey of Heterogeneous Person Re-Identification
  • (TPAMI 21) Deep Learning for Person Re-Identification: A Survey and Outlook
  • (arXiv 22) Person Re-Identification: A Retrospective on Domain Specific Open Challenges and Future Trends

Supervised reID

Global feature learning


  • (ICPR 14) Deep Metric Learning for Person Re-Identification
  • (CVPR 15) An Improved Deep Learning Architecture for Person Re-Identification
  • (ECCV 16) Gated Siamese Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Human Re-Identification
  • (ICCV 17) A Two Stream Siamese Convolutional Neural Network for Person Re-Identification
  • (CVPR 22) Dual Cross-Attention Learning for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization and Object Re-Identification


  • (CVPR 16) Learning a Discriminative Null Space for Person Re-Identification
  • (CVPR 17) Re-ranking Person Re-Identification with $k$-reciprocal Encoding
  • (ICCV 17) SVDNet for Pedestrian Retrieval
  • (arXiv 17) In Defense of the Triplet Loss for Person Re-Identification
  • (TOMCCAP 17) A Discriminatively Learned CNN Embedding for Person Reidentification
  • (CVPRW 19) Bag of Tricks and a Strong Baseline for Deep Person Re-Identification
  • (ICCV 19) Omni-Scale Feature Learning for Person Re-Identification
  • (ICCV 21) TransReID: Transformer-based Object Re-Identification
  • (ACM MM 21) HAT: Hierarchical Aggregation Transformers for Person Re-identification
  • (CVPR 22) NFormer: Robust Person Re-identification with Neighbor Transformer


  • (CVPR 18) Harmonious Attention Network for Person Re-Identification
  • (CVPR 19) Towards Rich Feature Discovery with Class Activation Maps Augmentation for Person Re-Identification
  • (CVPR 19) Interaction-and-Aggregation Network for Person Re-Identification
  • (ICCV 19) Mixed High-Order Attention Network for Person Re-Identification
  • (ICCV 19) Second-Order Non-local Attention Networks for Person Re-Identification
  • (ICCV 19) ABD-Net: Attentive but Diverse Person Re-Identification
  • (CVPR 20) Relation-Aware Global Attention for Person Re-Identification

Local feature learning

  • (CVPR 14) DeepReID: Deep Filter Pairing Neural Network for Person Re-Identification
  • (ICCV 15) Person Re-Identification with Correspondence Structure Learning
  • (arXiv 17) AlignedReID: Surpassing Human-Level Performance in Person Re-Identification
  • (CVPR 18) End-to-End Deep Kronecker-Product Matching for Person Re-Identification
  • (ECCV 18) Beyond Part Models: Person Retrieval with Refined Part Pooling (and a Strong Convolutional Baseline)
  • (ACM MM 18) Learning Discriminative Features with Multiple Granularities for Person Re-Identification
  • (CVPR 19) Patch-based Discriminative Feature Learning for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
  • (CVPR 21) Diverse Part Discovery: Occluded Person Re-identification with Part-Aware Transformer

Pose-guided reID

  • (CVPR 17) Spindle Net: Person Re-Identification with Human Body Region Guided Feature Decomposition and Fusion
  • (ICCV 17) Deeply-Learned Part-Aligned Representations for Person Re-Identification
  • (ICCV 17) Pose-driven Deep Convolutional Model for Person Re-Identification
  • (CVPR 18) Pose Transferrable Person Re-Identification
  • (ECCV 18) Pose-Normalized Image Generation for Person Re-Identification
  • (CVPR 18) Human Semantic Parsing for Person Re-Identification
  • (NeurIPS 18) FD-GAN: Pose-guided Feature Distilling GAN for Robust Person Re-Identification
  • (TIP 19) Pose-Invariant Embedding for Deep Person Re-Identification
  • (CVPR 19) Densely Semantically Aligned Person Re-Identification
  • (ECCV 20) Identity-Guided Human Semantic Parsing for Person Re-Identification
  • (ACM MM 21) Pose-guided Inter- and Intra-part Relational Transformer for Occluded Person Re-Identification
  • (CVPR 22) Motion-Aware Transformer For Occluded Person Re-identification
  • (TPAMI 22) Pose-Guided Representation Learning for Person Re-Identification
  • (TPAMI 22) Multi-Task Learning With Coarse Priors for Robust Part-Aware Person Re-Identification
  • (TNNLS 22) Parameter-Efficient Person Re-identification in the 3D Space

Attribute-guided reID

  • (ECCV 16) Deep Attributes Driven Multi-Camera Person Re-Identification
  • (arXiv 17) Improving Person Re-identification by Attribute and Identity Learning
  • (CVPR 18) Transferable Joint Attribute-Identity Deep Learning for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
  • (CVPR 19) AANet: Attribute Attention Network for Person Re-Identifications

Spatial-temporal reID

  • (CVPR 99) Bayesian Multi-Camera Surveillance
  • (ICCV 03) Tracking across Multiple Cameras with Disjoint Views
  • (CVPR 04) Bridging the Gaps between Cameras
  • (CVPR 09) Multi-Camera Activity Correlation Analysis
  • (ECCV 16) Human Re-Identification in Crowd Videos Using Personal, Social and Environmental Constraints
  • (MMM 16) Camera Network Based Person Re-Identification by Leveraging Spatial-Temporal Constraint and Multiple Cameras Relations
  • (arXiv 17) Distance-based Camera Network Topology Inference for Person Re-identification
  • (ICCVW 17) Unified Framework for Automated Person Re-Identification and Camera Network Topology Inference in Camera Networks
  • (CVPR 18) Unsupervised Cross-Dataset Person Re-Identification by Transfer Learning of Spatial-Temporal Patterns
  • (AAAI 19) Spatial-Temporal Person Re-Identification
  • (ICCV 21) Learning Instance-Level Spatial-Temporal Patterns for Person Re-Identification
  • (ACM MM 21) MGH: Metadata Guided Hypergraph Modeling for Unsupervised Person Re-identification

Unsupervised reID

State of the art

Unsupervised domain adaptation (Rank-1 Rank-5 mAP)

method reference DukeMTMC->Market-1501 Market-1501->DukeMTMC
IDM ICCV 21 93.2 97.5 82.8 83.6 91.5 93.7
GLT CVPR 21 92.2 96.5 79.5 82.0 90.2 69.2
UNRN AAAI 21 91.9 96.1 78.1 82.0 90.7 69.1
SpCL NeurIPS 20 90.3 96.2 76.7 82.9 90.1 68.8
MEB-Net ECCV 20 89.9 96.0 76.0 79.6 88.3 66.1
MMT ICLR 20 87.7 94.9 71.2 78.0 88.8 65.1
CycAs ECCV 20 84.8 --:- 64.8 77.9 --:- 60.1
AD-Cluster CVPR 20 86.7 94.4 68.3 72.6 82.5 54.1
SNR CVPR 20 82.8 --:- 61.7 76.3 --:- 58.1
JVTC ECCV 20 83.8 93.0 61.1 75.0 85.1 56.2
ACT AAAI 20 80.5 --:- 60.6 72.4 --:- 54.5
MMCL CVPR 20 84.4 92.8 60.4 72.4 82.9 51.3
SSG ICCV 19 80.0 90.0 58.3 73.0 80.6 53.4
HCT CVPR 20 80.0 91.6 56.4 69.6 83.4 50.7
PAST ICCV 19 78.4 --:- 54.6 72.4 ---:- 54.3
PDA-Net ICCV 19 75.2 86.3 47.6 63.2 77.0 45.1
ECN CVPR 19 75.1 87.6 43.0 63.3 75.8 40.4
PAUL CVPR 19 66.7 --:- 36.8 56.1 --:- 35.7
CASCL ICCV 19 64.7 80.2 35.6 51.5 66.7 30.5
SPGAN CVPR 18 58.1 76.0 26.9 46.9 62.6 26.4
ATNet ICCV 19 55.7 73.2 25.6 45.1 59.5 24.9

Other experiment settings: MSMT17->Market-1501, MSMT17->DukeMTMC, Market-1501->MSMT17 DukeMTMC->MSMT17, CUHK03->Market-1501, CUHK03->DukeMTMC, Market-1501->PRID2011

Unsupervised learning (Rank-1 mAP)

method reference type Market1-501 DukeMTMC
PPLR CVPR 22 clustering 94.3 84.4 --:- --:-
ICE ICCV 21 contrastive 93.8 82.3 83.3 69.9
CAP AAAI 21 clustering 91.4 79.2 81.1 67.3
IICS CVPR 21 clustering 89.5 72.9 80.0 64.4
UGA ICCV 19 tracklet 87.2 70.3 75.0 53.3
MetaCam CVPR 21 clustering 83.9 61.7 73.8 53.8
TAUDL ECCV 18 tracklet 63.7 41.2 61.7 43.5
BUC AAAI 19 clustering 66.2 38.3 47.4 27.5

Organized by authors & reverse chronological

Wei-Shi Zheng (SYSU)

proc. title method motivation
CVPR 20 Weakly supervised discriminative feature learning with state information for person identification WDBR + DFDR: classification loss with MPI-driven decision + state sub-distribution drift regularization state-relevant feature distortion
ICCV 19 Unsupervised Person Re-Identification by Camera-Aware Similarity Consistency Learning CASCL: similarity consistency + intra-camera similarity preserving, global -> top-k neighbor inconsistent similarity distribution (intra-camera similarity more reliable)
CVPR 19 Patch-based Discriminative Feature Learning for Unsupervised Person Re-identification PAUL: discriminative learning with patch feature bank, image-level triplet loss the gap of similar patches is smaller than similar images
CVPR 19 Unsupervised Person Re-identification by Soft Multilabel Learning MAR: soft multilabel guided negative mining, similarity consistency, cross-view consistent learning soft multilabel encodes relative comparative characteristic
CVPR 19 Weakly Supervised Person Re-Identification CV-MIML: intra-bag alignment, cross-view bag alignment video-level weak label
ICCV 17 Cross-view Asymmetric Metric Learning for Unsupervised Person Re-identification CAMEL: project data into shared space, clustering view-specific feature distortion

Yi Yang (UTS)

proc. title method motivation
CVPR 19 Invariance Matters: Exemplar Memory for Domain Adaptive Person Re-identification ECN: exemplar memory for invariance learning intra-domain variations, exemplar-, camera-, neighborhood-invariance
AAAI 19 A Bottom-Up Clustering Approach to Unsupervised Person Re-Identification BUC: bottom-up clustering + repelled loss training, diversity regularization similarity and diversity in training data as supervision
ECCV 18 Generalizing A Person Retrieval Model Hetero- and Homogeneously HHL: camera invariance + domain correctness intra- and inter- domain variance
CVPR 18 Exploit the Unknown Gradually: One-Shot Video-Based Person Re-Identification by Stepwise Learning EUG: select more pseudo-labeled tracklet for training during iteration, distance-based sampling criterion initial pseudo-label predictions are unreliable
CVPR 18 Image-Image Domain Adaptation with Preserved Self-Similarity and Domain-Dissimilarity for Person Re-identification SPGAN: contrastive loss on self-similarity and domain-dissimilarity ID should be preserved after image translation, domains contain entirely different ID sets
ICCV 17 Unlabeled Samples Generated by GAN Improve the Person Re-identification Baseline in vitro LSRO: GAN, assign uniform label to generated data to use unlabeled data

Yonghong Tian (PKU)

proc. title method motivation
ECCV 20 Multiple Expert Brainstorming for Domain Adaptive Person Re-identification MEB-Net: MMT between 3 different models + ensemble based on scatter ensemble learning remains unexplored
CVPR 20 AD-Cluster: Augmented Discriminative Clustering for Domain Adaptive Person Re-identification generate samples with diverse camera styles low diversity in cluster

Shiliang Zhang (PKU)

proc. title method motivation
ECCV 20 Joint Visual and Temporal Consistency for Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Person Re-Identification JVTC: local classification + global classification with temporal prob a batch contains different id, temporal consistency
CVPR 20 Unsupervised Person Re-identification via Multi-label Classification MMCL: multi-label + memory

Shaogang Gong (QMUL)

proc. title method motivation
ECCV 18 Unsupervised Person Re-identification by Deep Learning Tracklet Association TAUDL: dicriminate sparse tracklets within-camera, align similar cross-camera tracklets in mini-batch source and target domains not always share some common characteristic
CVPR 18 Transferable Joint Attribute-Identity Deep Learning for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification TJ-AIDL: joint learning + Identity Inferred Attribute + attribute consistency heterogeneous attribute supervision

Pong C Yuen (HKBU)

proc. title method motivation
ECCV 18 Robust Anchor Embedding for Unsupervised Video Person Re-Identification in the Wild RACE: embedding weight of kNN anchors imbalanced unlabeled data, scalability
ICCV 17 Dynamic Label Graph Matching for Unsupervised Video Re-Identification DGM: cross-camera graph matching by neighborhood cost with re-weighed labels cross-camera label estimation

Others authors


from title method motivation
USTC Exploiting Sample Uncertainty for Domain Adaptive Person Re-Identification UNRN: weighted contrastive loss consistency between teacher & student
ZJU Camera-aware Proxies for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification CAP: intra-camera & inter-camera CL camera variance

ECCV 20 (3/5) (Yonghong Tian: 1, Shiliang Zhang: 1)

from title method motivation
UAE Interpretable and Generalizable Person Re-identification with Query-adaptive Convolution and Temporal Lifting QAConv: query-adaptive convolutional + TLift: $\Delta T$ from pivot set generalizablity
THU CycAs: Self-supervised Cycle Association for Learning Re-identifiable Descriptions CycAs: cycle association on asymmetric pairs data association in MOT
CMU Joint Disentangling and Adaptation for Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification DG-Net++: DG-Net + adversarial alignment + identification loss disentangling + adaptation

CVPR 20 (3/6) (Wei-shi Zheng: 1, Yonghong Tian: 1, Shiliang Zhang: 1)

from title method motivation
Huawei Unsupervised Person Re-identification via Softened Similarity Learning softened similarity + part + cross-camera encouragement discard hard quantization loss
USTC Style Normalization and Restitution for Generalizable Person Re-identification SNR: style normalization + distill id-relevant feature filter out id-irrelevant feature
NUDT Hierarchical Clustering with Hard-batch Triplet Loss for Person Re-identification HCT: hierarchinal clustering + hard-batch pseudo label quality

ICLR 20 (1/1)

from title method motivation
CUHK Mutual Mean-Teaching: Pseudo Label Refinery for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation on Person Re-identification MMT: optimize with soft pseudo label generated from the other network noisy pseudo labels caused by clustering

AAAI 20 (1/1)

from title method motivation
XMU Asymmetric Co-Teaching for Unsupervised Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification ACT: asymetric co-teaching trained by DBSCAN labeled inliners and outliers noisy pseudo labels, consider outliers

ICCV 19 (5/6) (Wei-shi Zheng: 1)

from title method motivation
NJU A Novel Unsupervised Camera-aware Domain Adaptation Framework for Person Re-identification CCE: cross-domain camera equiprobability, triplet selection in fragments camera-level subdomains, temporal continuity
NTU Cross-Dataset Person Re-Identification via Unsupervised Pose Disentanglement and Adaptation PDA-Net: pose-guided image recovery and domain translation jointly learn domain- and pose-invariant representation
UIUC Self-similarity Grouping: A Simple Unsupervised Cross Domain Adaptation Approach for Person Re-identification SSG: 3 sets of groups, triplet loss; semi-supervised potential similarity from global to local
Tongji Self-Training With Progressive Augmentation for Unsupervised Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification PAST: 2-stage: CTL+RTL, global classification loss (HDBSCAN clustering, mean feature classifier) unreliable pseudo labels, triplets focus on local info
CASIA Unsupervised Graph Association for Person Re-identification UGA: intra-camera tracklet classification, pull inter-camera pairs underlying positive pair, lower GPU memory

CVPR 19 (1/5) (Wei-shi Zheng: 3, Yi Yang: 1)

from title method motivation
USTC Adaptive Transfer Network for Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification ATNet: decompose domain transfer to sub-tasks, adaptive ensemble to each image inter-domain disparities with multiple factors

ECCV 18 (1/4)

from title method motivation
Argo AI Domain Adaptation through Synthesis for Unsupervised Person Re-identification SyRI: virtual human rendered with HDR maps diversity in illumination

CVPR 18 (2/5)

from title method motivation
SCUT Unsupervised Cross-dataset Person Re-identification by Transfer Learning of Spatial-Temporal Patterns TFusion: bayesian fusion, learn to rank ST indecent of feature, constant FP, FN
TRACE Disentangled Person Image Generation disentangle FG, BG, pose explicitly guide image genration

ICCV 17 (4/7)

from title method motivation
NU Efficient Online Local Metric Adaptation via Negative Samples for Person Re-Identification
UniFI Group Re-Identification via Unsupervised Transfer of Sparse Features Encoding
UH SHaPE: A Novel Graph Theoretic Algorithm for Making Consensus-based Decisions in Person Re-identification Systems SHaPE: ranking -> shortest Hamiltonian path, ACS aggregate multiple results
DUT Stepwise Metric Promotion for Unsupervised Video Person Re-identification

CVPR 17 (2/2)

from title method motivation
Disney Research One-Shot Metric Learning for Person Re-identification
UCR Unsupervised Adaptive Re-identification in Open World Dynamic Camera Networks

Generalizable reID

  • (CVPR 19) Generalizable Person Re-Identification by Domain-Invariant Mapping Network
  • (CVPR 20) Style Normalization and Restitution for Generalizable Person Re-Identification
  • (ECCV 20) Generalizing Person Re-Identification by Camera-Aware Invariance Learning and Cross-Domain Mixup
  • (AAAI 21) Dual Distribution Alignment Network for Generalizable Person Re-Identification
  • (CVPR 21) Meta Batch-Instance Normalization for Generalizable Person Re-Identification
  • (CVPR 21) Generalizable Person Re-Identification with Relevance-aware Mixture of Experts

Lifelong reID

  • (AVSS 19) Continuous Learning without Forgetting for Person Re-Identification
  • (AAAI 21) Generalising without Forgetting for Lifelong Person Re-Identification
  • (WACV 21) Continual Representation Learning for Biometric Identification
  • (CVPR 21) Lifelong Person Re-Identification via Adaptive Knowledge Accumulation
  • (AAAI 22) Lifelong Person Re-identification by Pseudo Task Knowledge Preservation
  • (CVPR 22) Lifelong Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Person Re-Identification with Coordinated Anti-forgetting and Adaptation
  • (ACM MM 22) Meta Reconciliation Normalization for Lifelong Person Re-Identification
  • (ACM MM 22) Patch-based Knowledge Distillation for Lifelong Person Re-Identification

Misc topics

Cross-modality reID

  • (ICCV 17) RGB-Infrared Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification
  • (IJCAI 18) Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification with Generative Adversarial Training
  • (CVPR 19) Learning to Reduce Dual-Level Discrepancy for Infrared-Visible Person Re-Identification
  • (ICCV 19) RGB-Infrared Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification via Joint Pixel and Feature Alignment
  • (AAAI 20) Cross-Modality Paired-Images Generation for RGB-Infrared Person Re-Identification
  • (CVPR 20) Hi-CMD: Hierarchical Cross-Modality Disentanglement for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
  • (CVPR 20) Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification with Shared-Specific Feature Transfer
  • (ECCV 20) Dynamic Dual-Attentive Aggregation Learning for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
  • (CVPR 21) Neural Feature Search for RGB-Infrared Person Re-Identification
  • (CVPR 21) Farewell to Mutual Information: Variational Distillation for Cross-Modal Person Re-Identification
  • (CVPR 21) Discover Cross-Modality Nuances for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
  • (ICCV 21) Syncretic Modality Collaborative Learning for Visible Infrared Person Re-Identification
  • (ICCV 21) Learning by Aligning: Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification Using Cross-Modal Correspondences
  • (ICCV 21) Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification via Modality Confusion and Center Aggregation

State of the art

  • SYSU-MM01: MCLNet
  • RegDB: SMCL

Long-term reID

  • (TPAMI 19) Person Re-Identification by Contour Sketch under Moderate Clothing Change
  • (IJCNN 19) Celebrities-ReID: A Benchmark for Clothes Variation in Long-Term Person Re-Identification
  • (ACCV 20) Long-Term Cloth-Changing Person Re-Identification
  • (CVPR 20) COCAS: A Large-Scale Clothes Changing Person Dataset for Re-Identification

Group reID

  • (BMVC 09) Associating Groups of People
  • (ICCV 17) Group Re-Identification via Unsupervised Transfer of Sparse Features Encoding
  • (ACM MM 18) Group Re-Identification: Leveraging and Integrating Multi-Grain Information
  • (CVPR 19) Learning Context Graph for Person Search
  • (CVPR 22) Modeling 3D Layout for Group Re-Identification

Reading notes

Duke: DukeMTMC group dataset, Road: Road group dataset

from method motivation Duke rank1 Duke rank5 Road rank1 Road rank5
QMUL (BMVC 09) CRRRO-BRO: 2 descriptors of ring regions rotation invariant 9.9 26.1 17.8 34.6
OYO (ICPR 10) covariance descriptor illumination invariance 21.3 43.6 38.9 61.0
USTC (ICIP 16) BSC+CM: salience channel +consistent matching unreliable patch matches 23.1 44.3 58.6 80.6
UniFI (ICCV 17) PREF: mask + sparse encoding spatial displacement 22.3 44.3 43.0 68.7
SJTU (MM 18) MGR: multi-grain representation + matching group granularity 47.4 68.1 72.3 90.6
SJTU (TCYB 19) hand=>conv utilize dl 48.4 75.2 80.2 93.8
NTHU (arXiv 19) DotSCN: learn single&couple representation on transferred reID dataset too few images to learn group representation 86.4 98.8 84.0 95.1

Person search

  • (ACM MM 14) Person Search in a Scene by Jointly Modeling People Commonness and Person Uniqueness
  • (CVPR 17) Joint Detection and Identification Feature Learning for Person Search
  • (ICCV 17) Neural Person Search Machines
  • (ICCV 19) Re-ID Driven Localization Refinement for Person Search
  • (CVPR 20) Robust Partial Matching for Person Search in the Wild
  • (CVPR 20) Norm-Aware Embedding for Efficient Person Search
  • (CVPR 21) Anchor-Free Person Search

Reading notes

from method motivation mAP (CUHK-SYSU) top-1 (CUHK-SYSU) mAP (PRW) top-1 (PRW)
CUHK (CVPR 17) OIM: online matching with lookup table joint detection and reID 75.5 78.7 21.3 49.9
TUM => larger image 83.3 84.2 38.3 70.0
XJTU (arXiv 2017) IAN: center loss intra-class variance 77.2 80.5 23.0 61.9
HFUT (ICCV 17) NPSM: recursive region shrinking with lstm query-guided proposal 77.9 81.2 24.2 53.0
CMU (ECCV 18) RCAA: context-aware agent modifies bbox query-guided proposal with RL 79.5 81.3 - -
NJUST (ECCV 18) MGTS: mask-guided two-stream emphasize foreground info 83.0 83.7 32.6 72.1
QMUL (ECCV 18) CLSA: in-network feature pyramid multi-scale feature 87.2 88.5 38.7 65.0
SJTU (CVPR 19) contextual instance graph learn contexual info 84.1 86.5 33.4 73.6
TUM (CVPR 19) QEEPS: query-guided SSE-Net, RPN, simNet leverage query extensively 88.9 89.1 39.1 80.0
HUST (ICCV 19) regression => reID gradient refine detection 93.0 94.2 42.9 70.2

person search = detection + re-identification


Dataset from time description # identities # cameras # images
VIPeR UCSC 2007 - 632 2 1264
QMUL iLIDS QMUL 2009 airport 119 2 476
GRID QMUL 2009 underground 1025 8 1275
PRID2011 TUGraz 2011 campus 934 2 24541
CUHK01 CUHK 2012 campus 971 2 3884
CUHK02 CUHK 2013 campus 1816 10(5 pairs) 7264
CUHK03 CUHK 2014 campus 1467 10(5 pairs) 13164
iLIDS-VID QMUL 2014 iLIDS video 300 2 42495
Market1501 THU 2015 campus supermarket 1501 6 32217
PKU-Reid PKU 2016 8 orientations 114 2 1824
PRW UTS 2016 Market1501 full frame 932 6 34304
MARS THU 2016 Market1501 video 1261 6 1191003
DukeMTMC-reID Duke 2017 campus 1812 8 36441
DukeMTMC4RID Duke 2017 Duke SOTA detector 1852 8 46261
MSMT17 PKU 2018 scene & lighting change 4101 15 126441


A curated list of Person Re-Identification papers and BibTeX entries







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