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Oliver Kaufmann edited this page Jan 7, 2016 · 7 revisions

##Extend Senders##

Notifynder allow to extend it's way to deliver the notifications, for example will be the case when you are repeating your self composing a simple notification or if you want automate an action before sending. Following i'll illustrate how to extend notifynder sender:

####Create Custom Sender####

For create a custom sender is easy, follow the following snippet:

use Fenos\Notifynder\Contracts\Sender;
use Fenos\Notifynder\Contracts\NotifynderSender;

class CustomSender implements Sender

    protected $notifications;

    public function __construct($notifications) 
        $this->notifications = $notifications;

    public function send(NotifynderSender $sender)
        // Do your extra logic here
        return $sender->send($this->notifications);

####Register Sender####

Now let's register it in the App\Providers\AppServiceProvider as the following:

Notifynder::extend('sendCustom', function($notifications,$app) {
    return new CustomSender($notifications);

####Use custom sender####

Now you are ready to send with your custom method created:

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