A minimalistic weather web application created with javascript, OpenWeatherMap API and geolocation
The user can get the weather of most of the cities in the world
Autocomplete when selecting countries
Icons and main card background changes relative to weather conditions
Option to switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit
Simple, minimalistic and clean design
- Bulma CSS
- Javascript
- Webpack
- LocationIQ
- OpenWeatherMap
- Netlify for deployment
To running it locally follow these simple steps.
First, you need to create a .env file in your root folder with the necessaries API keys to run the website (OpenWeatherMap and LocationIQ)) This is the structure you must follow:
WEATHER_API_KEY = ############
IQ_ACCESS_KEY = #############
Then, install the dependencies of the project with this command:
npm install
Then build the project with this command:
npm run build
Next set up the Webpack Dev Server executing this command:
npm start
Now you can open the project going to this address http://localhost:7000/
in your browser
Some animations can be added and improved animations for styling purposes
More weather elements can be added to the UI
Review and improve responsiveness
👤 Fernando Bahamondes
- Github: @ferbaco86
- Twitter: @ferbac0
- Linkedin: fernando-bahamondes-correa
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
Main weather Icons by: ThoseIcons
Weather Icons Webfont by Erik Flowers
This project is MIT licensed