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User Guide What Is LTVT

fermigas edited this page Oct 14, 2018 · 2 revisions

User's Guide Shipped With LTVT

What is the Lunar Terminator Visualization Tool?

LTVT is a simple yet highly accurate program for visualizing the position of the terminator (the line between light and shadow) on the Moon at any specified moment of time.

Utilizing state-of-the art ephemeris data it plots the terminator as parallel red and blue lines: one representing the edge of the region fully illuminated by sunlight, and the other the edge of the region in complete darkness. It also draws a white libration circle representing the boundary of the normally visible hemisphere. These are plotted with great precision on a texture map of the Moon, allowing one to visualize where these lines fall with respect to the features visible through anything from binoculars to a powerful telescope.

Because LTVT easily allows you to draw the Moon from any angle it is also a useful tool for newcomers wishing to learn the lunar landscape, as well as for old timers struggling to correctly identify an obscure crater.

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