A simple pastebin written in Flask
flup is a simple pastebin: you upload a file and get an identifier
as a response.
the identifier is later used to retrieve your data, with the format:
GET /<identifier>
the file must be uploaded with a POST request to /, attaching the file to
a form field named 'f', and using the content-type multipart/form-data.
when you upload a file, you get a the identifier to your data as a
response; you should save this to later retrieve your data.
printing this help message:
$ curl localhost:5000
$ http localhost:5000
uploading a file with curl:
$ curl -F 'f=@file.txt' localhost:5000
uploading a file with httpie:
$ http -f localhost:5000 f@file.txt
uploading from stdin with curl:
$ cat file.txt | curl -F 'f=@-' localhost:5000
retrieving a file with curl:
$ curl localhost:5000/<identifier>
retrieving a file with httpie:
$ http localhost:5000/<identifier>
say you get an identifier 'abc-123' as a response when you upload your
$ curl localhost:5000/abc-123
$ http localhost:5000/abc-123