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v 0.1.2
cc 2024 –
hydra πŸ™ p5.js ~ share visuals between both frameworks!


Visit HY5LIVE, to play with it right away! A minimal live-coding editor built for HY5.

Include it within any project by first including hydra-synth + p5.js, then attach this file (download or CDN):

<script src=''></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>


HY5 bridges the gap between hydra-synth and p5.js, containing a suite of functions for sharing visuals between both frameworks (hydra Β» p5 || p5 Β» hydra), while enabling global-mode code within both!

FYI, global-mode refers to functions of each library being used without a scoped prefix (ie. p. or synth.) which is commonly used when combining multiple libraries to avoid naming conflicts (ie. both have a noise() function). While scoping avoids conflicts, it requires lots of extra characters and easily trips one up when only sometimes being necessary (ie, chaining).

HY5 started as HY5LIVE, but partway through, realized that this bridge could be separated as a library of its own to easily embed anywhere.

FYI – this workflow involves multiple fullscreen HTML5 Canvas elements, so a chromium browser is recommended. If performance is low, reduce the resolution using p5's pixelDensity() and H.pixelDensity() for hydra.

For more in-depth live-coding specific to each framework, see:

  • hydra editor, official hydra editor
  • P5LIVE, p5.js collaborative live-coding vj environment!


While there's more details in the API section below, here's some tips to get going.

P5 Β» Hydra

Send p5.js into hydra by using the following functions:

// send main canvas to hydra, place in setup() or global
s0.initP5() // send p5 canvas to hydra s0 (s0 - s3)
P5.init() // same as above 

// send layer/buffer to hydra, place in setup()
s1.initP5(lay1) // send p5 'lay1' buffer/layer to hydra s1
P5.init(s1, lay1) // same as above 

HY5 started with P5. method, however Olivia rightfully suggested s0. as approach to stay in tune with Hydra » √ thanks!

Hydra Β» P5

Send Hydra into P5 by using the following functions:
By default, new layers created dynamically are given h as a prefix for hydra, h0 - h3

// send main output of Hydra render to p5
H.get() // use directly, also creates a layer called 'h0'
H.get('tex') //  same as above, with custom layer name

// send specific output of Hydra to p5, when using render()
o0.get() // use directly (o0-o3) as image/texture
H.get(o0) //  use directly (o0-o3), also creates layer called 'h0'
H.get(o1, 'tex') // same as above, with custom layer name
H.render(o0) // grabs specific output (o0 - o3), mimics hydra
H.render(o0, 'tex') // same as above, custom layer name

// send all outputs of Hydra to p5, when using render()
H.render() // use directly, creates layers h0 - h3 and h[0-3] array
H.render('t') // same as above, with custom layers prefix (t0 - t3)

Canvas Tweaks

Since we have multiple canvases (p5.js and hydra), we likely want to toggle them on/off occasionally or adjust their order (z-index). This can be done by using the P5 or H prefix, depending on which canvas you're addressing:

// toggle canvas // show p5.js canvas
P5.hide() // hide p5.js canvas
P5.toggle() // toggle p5.js canvas, default 0 (hide), (0 - 1) // show hydra canvas
H.hide() // hide hydra canvas
H.toggle() // toggle hydra canvas, default 0 (hide), (0 - 1)

// adjust order, z-index
P5.zIndex() // send p5.js canvas to back, default is -1
P5.zIndex(2) // bring in front
P5.z() // shorthand for above two functions
H.zIndex() // send hydra canvas to back, default is -1
H.zIndex(2) // bring in front
H.z() // shorthand for above two functions



Under the hood, HY5 creates a few global variables (HY5, P5, H) which are your keys for talking to each framework's canvas and bridging the gap between p5.js and hydra. It also extends existing hydra objects (s and o for exchange with p5):

  • P5 affects p5.js and canvas.
  • H affects hydra and canvas.
  • HY5 stores delay prefs (for checking canvas ready) and inits H instances.


p5.js specific – mostly used in the global code space (not within other functions).

s0. initP5( [layer] )
Same as P5.init() function, in Hydra style (use s0 - s3). You can pass an existing p5 layer/image rather than main canvas, ie. s0.initP5(lay1). If doing so, place within the setup() after you've initialized the layer.

P5.init( [ source, layer ] )
Send p5.js canvas/layer as a hydra source. If no values are set, takes main p5.js canvas and sets hydra's s0 external source. Use src(s0).out() to access it within hydra. Optionally pass it to a specific hydra source (s0, s1, s2, s3). Optionally you can also send another p5.js layer/image. If doing so, place within the setup() after you've initialized the layer. If passing the p5.js webcam capture, use capture.get() to dynamically convert to a passible image.
Without params, (s0, drawingContext.canvas)

Hide p5.js canvas.
Show p5.js canvas.

P5.toggle( [ tog ] )
Toggle p5.js canvas, use true/false or 1/0 to show()/hide() the canvas.
Without params, (0) to hide the canvas.

P5.zIndex( [index] )
Set css z-index of p5.js canvas to place in front or behind hydra.
Without params, (-1) to place behind other canvases.

P5.z( [index] )
Alias of P5.zIndex()


hydra specific – used within hydra chains, p5.js draw(), global space.

Alias of hydra's noise() to avoid p5's noise() conflict.

H.pixelDensity( [res] )
Set pixelDensity of hydra canvas (similar to p5.js). Use for lo/hi-res.
Without params, (2.0) for retina resolution

H.pd( [res] )
Alias of H.pixelDensity()

o0.get( [layer] )
Same as H.get() function, in Hydra style (use o0 - o3). You can pass an existing p5 layer or a string for dynamically created one, ie. o0.get('tex').

H.get( [layer] )
H.get( [output] )
H.get( [output], [layer] )
Get hydra canvas to use directly and sets to a p5 layer (createGraphics). You can pass an existing p5 layer or a string for dynamically created one, ie. H.get('tex'). Passing a hydra output as param (o0, o1, o2, o3), it will grab that single output if hydra is set to render() (4up view). If both params are given, it will grab a specific hydra output and use a custom layer, ie. H.getOutput(o2, 'tex2').
Without params, creates layer called h0.

H.render( [prefix] )
H.render( [output] )
H.render( [output, layer] )
Draw all hydra outputs (o0, o1, o2, o3) to p5 layers, only when hydra's render() (4up view) is active. This creates 4x p5.js layers (h0, h1, h2, h3 and h[0-3] for looped index access). If output is given a string prefix, ie. tex, then all outputs will be created with a custom prefix (tex instead of h). If output is given a hydra output (ie. o2), will draw specific hydra output to default h0 layer (similar to H.get(), however in same syntax as hydra's render(output). If layer is also given, will draw specific hydra output to specific p5.js layer.
Without params, grabs o0-o3 and creates layers called h0-h3.

H.getCanvas(canvas, layer)
Draw any canvas to a p5 layer. (go wild?!)
Save png of hydra canvas.

Hide hydra canvas.
Show hydra canvas.

H.toggle( [ tog ] )
Toggle hydra canvas, use true/false or 1/0 to show()/hide() the canvas.
Without params, (0) to hide the canvas.

H.zIndex( [index] )
Set css z-index of hydra canvas to place in front or behind p5.
Without params, (-1) to place behind other canvases.

H.z( [index] )
Alias of H.zIndex()
Enable/disable hydra audio detection. This is active by default, however if you prefer to use p5.sound, set to false, ie
Without param, true

Enable/disable noSmooth() when setting hydra to p5.js layers. This is active by default for crisp (nearest neighbor) edges, however you can set to false, ie H.noSmooth(false).
Without param, true

Alias of hydra.canvas for quick access.


Set custom setTimeout() delay (default is 50 ms) necessary when referring to dynamically built canvases with P5 functions. Default delay worked fine in testing (M1 Mac), but if computer/connection are slower, you may want to set to higher value (in milliseconds) at very top of code.

HY5.hydra(hydraName, synthName)
Create an additional instance of hydra (canvas and synth scoped) for post-post-...-processing! This function has already been called once, setting the global variable H. Only needed for extra-wild experiments, see hydra Β» p5 Β» hydra demo for details.

var H2 = HY5.hydra('hydra2', 'synth') // hydra scoped behind 'synth'
synth.s0.initP5() // p5 Β» hydra2's instance
// H2.z(2) // bring to front

H2.pixelDensity(2) // retina 2x resolution
