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TG Releases

01es edited this page Aug 2, 2024 · 1 revision

TG Releases

This page covers the details of how to perform TG releases and the reasoning behind version increases.

  1. TG Releases and Versions Plugin

TG Releases and Versions Plugin

Releasing of TG following a gitflow workflow with minor deviation from the naming conventions for branches. However, instead of utilising the git's gitflow extension library and Maven's release plugin, there is bash script This script uses Maven's versions plugin for updating module versions and implements the release steps according to the gitflow workflow.

The script requires 4 parameters:

  1. A release version. For example, 1.4.6. The version number should be determined based on the scope and impact of changes implemented since the last release and should follow the recommendations for SemVer.
  2. The next development version. For example, 1.4.7-SNAPSHOT. The suggested approach is to increase the PATCH part by 1 and add -SNAPSHOT.
  3. A value for parameter databaseUri.prefix. For example, //localhost:5432/ci_.
  4. A value for parameter fork.count. For example, 4.

Here is an example of how release 1.4.6 was performed.

./ '1.4.6' '1.4.7-SNAPSHOT' '//localhost:5432/ci_' 4

Note: In order to perform TG releases, the user should have the git push rights for branches develop and master.

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