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Who makes this?

Avi Kelman edited this page Dec 21, 2016 · 4 revisions

Hey, this package is really great! Who can I thank?

The Aardwolf MUSHclient Package and this website are (for the most part) developed and maintained by Fiendish with contributions from others (Original GMCP code from Lasher, some GMCP mapper additions by Spartacus, etc). Fiendish will accept donations (TP, USD, hugs, trousers, mean looks, etc) for his time and effort, but you shouldn't worry too much about it. He does this for fun.

MUSHclient itself was written by Nick Gammon. (Click here to visit the MUSHclient forums)

I have a question that only Fiendish can answer. How do I get in contact with him?

There are three ways you can do this. In order of increasing probability of success, they are:

  1. finger Fiendish to find my email address and then write an email
  2. tech I have a question that only Fiendish can answer
  3. tell Fiendish Hey, I'm using aard mushclient snapshot r<number_goes_here> and I'd like to know...
  4. board personal; note write Fiendish
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