I am an adaptable person to different topics, Web Developer, App Developer, Entry-level Designer depending on what the project entails. I love exploring new tech stacks and leveraging them to build cool things.
- 🔭 I’m currently studying on University.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Blockchain.
- 👨🏻💻 Most of my projects are available on Github.
- 💬 Ask me about anything tech related, I am happy to help.
- 📝 Checkout my Medium.
The generated figure displays four charts side by side:
- Commits per Repository: Shows the number of commits for each repository.
- Forks & Stars per Repository: Compares the number of forks and stars for each repository.
- Top Languages: A pie chart showing the distribution of the top programming languages used across all repositories.
- Commits per Month: A line chart showing the number of commits over the past 12 months, up to the current month.