This is a work in progress and is likely to change
Dark colors for Vim and friends.
- Vim theme
- Lightline theme included
- TMUX theme
- iTerm Colors
This is a list of syntax and plugins that have custom color definitions.
Language | Package |
JSON | Vim Default |
YAML | Vim Default |
Plugin | Packages |
ALE | w0rp/ale |
Startify | mhinz/vim-startify |
I recommend using vim plug to install it:
" vim-plug
Plug 'filipekiss/night-hawk'
Or, if you download/clone this repository to a local folder in your computer
" vim-plug
Plug '~/Downloads/night-hawk'
Once installed, change your colorscheme
colorscheme nighthawk
To enable lightline support:
let g:lightline.colorscheme = 'nighthawk'
Just double-click the file iTerm/Night-Hawk.itermcolors
and it will be
imported to iTerm.
If the colors are not applied directly, go to:
Preferences > Profiles > (Profile Name in left pane) > Colors > Color Presets...
and then select the Night Hawk
There are two files provided inside the tmux
and tmux/nighthawk.color.tmux.conf
. The first one
is the full setup as you see on the screenshot above. The second one is just the
colors assigned to variables to be used in your own TMUX configuration as you
see fit. To use that, you can either copy and paste from the file or you can
source-file /path/to/night-hawk/repository/tmux/nighthawk.color.tmux.conf
before you use the variables. Using the source-file
option allows you to keep
your color variables up-to-date if I ever edit them and push new versions :)
- Falcon, for inspiring me to make a theme that integrates Vim and TMUX so well
- Night Owl, for being one of the nicest looking themes for VSCode and inspiring the colors for this theme
- Estilo, for allowing me to sanely write vim colorschemes
nighthawk © 2019+, Filipe Kiss • Released under the MIT License.
Authored and maintained by Filipe Kiss.
GitHub @filipekiss · Twitter @filipekiss