In simulating a professional work environment:
- I am trying to build this UI based on the Figma design provided [here] (https://www.figma.com/file/aPiDqAjJ7xdPbZ3URAWzRa/Spotify---Mobile-UI-(Community)?node-id=1%3A334)
- I work with weekly tasks as drafted on my Notion board.
- I will be creating feature branches and accept PRs from dummy repos.
- As this is just a demo, useState should be sufficient for state management purposes. This will mean prop drilling in some instances but that should suffice for the maintime.
- This is basically Ui building, so the backend will not be well developed here. For some of that, I started work on RN_Overwatch where an Appollo client using GraphQL will be worked with. Search the repo for more details. -Testing is an essential part of production applications. A snapshot test would suffice here and React Native Testing Library by Callstack will help in covering the essential features.
Appreciation to the Figma community and calebnance. Cheers.