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Wiki » Internal Components » Advanced » react3


See React3. Handles renderer and canvas configuration.

Creates a THREE.WebGLRenderer.



one of ['2d', '3d'] required: The rendering context.

Currently only '3d' is supported.

Default: '3d'


function required: This callback gets called every time the canvas is recreated.

This is currently internal usage only. This helps toggling of antialias.


number required: The width of the canvas and the default viewport.

Default: 1


number required: The height of the canvas and the default viewport.

Default: 1


bool: Controls renderer gamma input.

See THREE.WebGLRenderer#gammaInput.

Default: false


bool: Controls renderer gamma output.

See THREE.WebGLRenderer#gammaOutput.

Default: false


bool: Controls renderer object sorting.

See THREE.WebGLRenderer#sortObjects.

Default: true


string: The name of the camera to render into the canvas.


If this value is not set, the scene can be rendered into the <viewport/> children of React3.


function: This callback gets called before every frame.


one of types [THREE.Color, number, string]: The clear color of the renderer.

Is used as the first parameter for THREE.WebGLRenderer#clearColor.

If the clearAlpha and alpha properties are set, clearAlpha will be used as the second parameter.

Default: 0x000000


number: Used for the transparency of the canvas.

Expected range: 0 to 1, where 0 is clear and 1 is opaque.

Is used as the second parameter for THREE.WebGLRenderer#clearColor.

If the clearColor property is set, that will be passed as the first parameter.

Requires the alpha property to be set.


bool: Toggles alpha setting of the renderer.

See THREE.WebGLRenderer#alpha.

WARNING: Updating this value will re-create the whole canvas, which can be expensive.

Default: false


bool: Toggles shadowMap usage.

See THREE.WebGLRenderer#shadowMapEnabled.

WARNING: Updating this value will force all materials to refresh.

Default: false


one of [THREE.BasicShadowMap, THREE.PCFShadowMap, THREE.PCFSoftShadowMap]: Controls the shadowMap type.

See THREE.WebGLRenderer#shadowMapType.

WARNING: Updating this value will force all materials to refresh.

Default: THREE.PCFShadowMap


one of [THREE.CullFaceNone, THREE.CullFaceBack, THREE.CullFaceFront, THREE.CullFaceFrontBack]: Controls shadowMap face culling.

See THREE.WebGLRenderer#shadowMapCullFace.

WARNING: Updating this value will force all materials to refresh.

Default: THREE.CullFaceFront


bool: Toggles shadowMap debugging.

See THREE.WebGLRenderer#shadowMapDebug.

WARNING: Updating this value will force all materials to refresh.

Default: false


number: The pixel ratio of the renderer.

Preferred value: window.devicePixelRatio. Recommended for High DPI screens (e.g. Retina).

Default: 1


one of ['highp', 'mediump', 'lowp']: Sets the precision of the renderer.

See THREE.WebGLRenderer#precision.

WARNING: Updating this value will re-create the whole canvas, which can be expensive.

Default: 'highp'


bool: Toggles the premultipliedAlpha setting of the renderer.

See THREE.WebGLRenderer#premultipliedAlpha.

WARNING: Updating this value will re-create the whole canvas, which can be expensive.

Default: true


one of types [bool, number]: Toggles anti-aliasing of the renderer.

See THREE.WebGLRenderer#antialias.

WARNING: Updating this value will re-create the whole canvas, which can be expensive.

Default: false


bool: Toggles the stencil property of the renderer.

See THREE.WebGLRenderer#stencil.

WARNING: Updating this value will re-create the whole canvas, which can be expensive.

Default: true


bool: Toggles the preserveDrawingBuffer property of the renderer.

See THREE.WebGLRenderer#preserveDrawingBuffer.

WARNING: Updating this value will re-create the whole canvas, which can be expensive.

Default: false


bool: Toggles the depth property of the renderer.

See THREE.WebGLRenderer#depth.

WARNING: Updating this value will re-create the whole canvas, which can be expensive.

Default: true


bool: Toggles the logarithmicDepthBuffer property of the renderer.

See THREE.WebGLRenderer#logarithmicDepthBuffer.

WARNING: Updating this value will re-create the whole canvas, which can be expensive.

Default: false


function: This function gets called with the renderer as the first parameter.

Example callback:

function callback(renderer) {
  if(renderer !== null) {
    console.log(renderer instanceOf THREE.WebGLRenderer); // true
  } else {
    // renderer is just destroyed or will be recreated soon

The renderer gets created when:

  • the react3 component is mounted
  • the canvas gets recreated ( see onRecreateCanvas )
    • this happens when you change some properties of react3.
  • when the component is about to be unmounted or remounted
    • the value passed to the function will be null in this case


bool: Prevents re-rendering every frame.

You can use this to save some CPU and battery life.

Requires onManualRenderTriggerCreated.

Default: false


function: This function will be called back with a 'Trigger' function in the first parameter.

Example callback:

function callback(trigger) {
  console.log(trigger); // this is the trigger

  trigger(); // render next frame (recommended)

  trigger(true); // render immediately (advanced)

You can use this function to trigger manual renders.

See also: the manual rendering example.

This is what the trigger function looks like:

function (renderThisFrame) {
  if (renderThisFrame) {
    // render immediately
  } else {
    if (this._renderRequest === null) {
      // ensure that there will be one render next frame
      this._renderRequest = requestAnimationFrame(this._render);

You can use this property without forceManualRender for example to render multiple times within one frame (maybe for VR?).

Hopefully that will not be necessary; but please do let me know if you find a use case for it!


function: Allows a custom renderer to be used instead of WebGLRenderer.

The first parameter of this function will be an object containing these properties:

  • canvas
  • precision
  • alpha
  • premultipliedAlpha
  • antialias
  • stencil
  • preserveDrawingBuffer
  • depth
  • logarithmicDepthBuffer

The object returned from this function should expose the same API as a WebGLRenderer.

An example function that will just create a WebGLRenderer (i.e. no change from original behaviour):

function customRenderer(rendererArgs) {
  return new THREE.WebGLRenderer(rendererArgs);

WARNING: Updating this value will re-create the whole canvas, which can be expensive.


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