😄 I am a Freelance Full Stack developer working remotely from Montréal
💞️ I’m helping companies improve their web applications to bring more business value to their customers
📫 To reach me, send me a mail at: francois.fitzpatrick@gmail.com
👀 I’m very experienced on: RubyOnRails and React.js
🌱 I’m currently learning: GraphQL
💥 My main side project: website to sell tailored original drip art 💥
Find out more on my experience with my previous projects:
- Repos where I tried out new technologies : check them out #rails #graphql #docker
- Repos from my coding bootcamp: check them out #web #nodejs # react #javascript
- 📚 General principles
- KISS: Keep It Simple, Stupid
- YAGNI: You Aren't Going to Need It: don't implement something until it is necessary
- DRY: Don’t Repeat Yourself
- Boy Scout Rule: always leave the code cleaner than we found it
- Avoid Premature Optimization
- 🎆 Design principles
- BDUF: Big Design Upfront: design the project first and implement it later
- Measure Twice and Cut Once: plan and prepare thoroughly and carefully before you take an action
- 👓 Class/Module principles
- Separation of concerns: separate a computer program into distinct sections, such that each section addresses a separate concern
- SOLID's 5 principles
- Minimise Coupling
For more information on the principles, check out these ressources: Software Engineering Principles and Programming principles