This repository contains the source code that reproduces the figures in Donada et al. (2023).
The notebooks are structured as follows:
- plot_cmd_cut_example.ipynb: Shows how we select the main-sequence members of the Gaia OCs. Reproduces Fig. 2 in our paper.
- compute_binaryfraction.ipynb: Demonstrates how to run our mixture model with emcee on the Gaia colour-magnitude diagrams of open-cluster main sequences. Reproduces Figs. 3 and 4 in our paper.
- compute_total_binaryfraction.ipynb: Shows how we correct the obtained binary fractions for resolved binaries. Reproduces Fig. 7 in our paper.
- simulated_cmd_ngc6494.ipynb: Shows a simulated CMD of an OC (showing example results obtained with the Gaia Object Generator). Reproduces Fig. 5 in our paper.
- binary_fraction_analysis.ipynb: Reproduces most of the analysis figures in our paper (Figs. 1, 6, 9-13)
- literature_comparison.ipynb: Comparison to some results from the literature. Reproduces Fig. 8 in our paper.