A CMS-style blog site to publish articles, blog posts, your thoughts and opinions
A Tech blog where users can login and add post and/or comments to it
1. Download or clone this repository on your computer.
2. To install all dependencies:
* Open your editor and type the following command into your terminal, once you've navigated to the root directory of the project
npm init
* Install all the dependencies using npm
npm install -y
* Configure MYSQL to create the database;
Yoy can do it by going to folder 'config/' and the file connection.js to configure the conection to the database;
3. Start the application:
*Open the terminal on the root directory of the project:
npm start
To use the app on your machine type on the browser: "http://localhost:3001/" or just go to the deployed URL: https://gentle-bayou-27027.herokuapp.com/
#### Homepage:
it will display the following site:
Here you can see all post created
#### Login:
To login, click on the navigation bar, on "Login" option and will display the login or signup page:
#### Dashboard:
##### Create a post
After signup or login, will get you to your dashboard page:
There will display all your post and the option to create a new one.
##### Edit a post
You can edit a previous post too:
On this page you can edit your post or delete it.
#### Add comment:
To add a comment just go to the homepage and click on the comments link on the booton of the post:
And will take you to a new page to add a new comment:
Copyright © 2020 florhaidee.
Licensed under the MIT to see more about this license you can find it on the file 'license.txt' go to:
Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.
https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/2/0/code_of_conduct/ to have more information.
To contribute
* Add an issue
* Create a new branch with format-name:
- (feature/name/your-name) or (bug/name/your-name)
* Make a pull request.
If you have more questions about this application, you can contact me by:
email: florhaideeg@gmail.com
GitHub username: florhaidee