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Gojas: Golang JSON Assertions


Compatible, Fast, Hackable, Usable, Native, Minimal, Readable.


To add to your project, import:

import ""

There are no dependencies on 3rd party components, only native Go packages.

Pull Requests

Your PRs are welcome! The goal is to evolve this package toward more testing scenarios and reliability. Accepting issue posts as well, thank you.


For most routine testing, just use the assertions in the package. For example

func TestSomething(t *testing.T) {


    jsonDocumentAsString := LoadTheJsonFromSomewhere()

    // The path string represents a hierarchy within the json document.

    passed := gojas.AssertNumberAtPath(t, jsonDocumentAsString, "/user/properties/age", 42.0)

    // If the assertion does not pass, the 't' pointer will be used to set the test to Fail, with an error string.

    // There are several other assertions available.