FMPurchaseManager is a wrapper on the StoreKit framework that makes the whole purchase process easier.
*NOTE: the supported build target is iOS 5.1 (Xcode 4.4)
Add the <StoreKit/StoreKit.h>
framework and drag the FMPurchaseManager class files into your project.
(see sample Xcode project /Demo
First of all you must setup the two blocks that are called during the purchase process.
Handle the product request completion
[FMPurchaseManager setProductRequestCompletion: ^(NSArray *products, NSArray *invalidProductIdentifiers) { //you receive an array of SKProduct objects //and a list of invalid product identifiers }];
Handle the purchase completion
[FMPurchaseManager setProductPurchaseCompletion: ^(SKPaymentTransaction *transaction, NSString *productIdentifier, NSError *error) { if (error == nil) { //the purchase has completed, do whatever you want with the transaction } else { //something went wrong with your purchase or the user cancelled it } }];
Once you prepared the completion blocks you can:
- request the products with the related identifiers
[FMPurchaseManager requestProducts:someProducts]
- buy a product with its identifier
[FMPurchaseManager buyProduct:anIdentifier]
- restore the previously purchased products
[FMPurchaseManager restorePurchases]
FMPurchaseManager was created by Maurizio Cremaschi and Andrea Ottolina for Flubber Media Ltd.