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What is it?

Despite the fact that Python is not a pure-functional programming language, it is multi-paradigm and gives you enough freedom to take advantage of a functional approach. There are theoretical and practical advantages to the functional style:

  • Formal provability
  • Modularity
  • Composability
  • Ease of debugging and testing library provides you with the missing "batteries" to get the maximum from a functional approach, even in mostly-imperative softwares.

You can find more about the functional approach from my Pycon UA 2012 talks: Functional Programming with Python.

Scala-style lambdas definition

>>> from fn import _
>>> from fn.op import zipwith
>>> from itertools import repeat

>>> list(map(_ * 2, range(5)))
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8]
>>> list(filter(_ < 10, [9,10,11]))
>>> list(zipwith(_ + _)([0,1,2], repeat(10)))
[10, 11, 12]

You can find more examples of _ in test cases (attributes resolving, method calling, slicing).

Attention! If you work in an interactive python shell, _ can be assigned to the latest output and you'll get unpredictable results. In this case, you can use X instead with from fn import _ as X.

If you are not sure what your function is going to do, print it:

>>> print(_ + 2)
(x1) => (x1 + 2)
>>> print(_ + _ * _)
(x1, x2, x3) => (x1 + (x2 * x3))

Note that _ will fail with ArityError (TypeError subclass) when called with the wrong number of arguments, so as to avoid errors:

>>> (_ + _)(1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "fn/", line 82, in __call__
    raise ArityError(self, self._arity, len(args))
fn.underscore.ArityError: (_ + _) expected 2 arguments, got 1

Persistent data structures

Attention: Persistent data structures are under active development.

A persistent data structure always preserves its previous version when it is modified (more on Wikipedia). Each operation thus yields a new updated structure instead of performing in-place modifications (all previous versions are potentially available or GC-ed when possible).

>>> from fn.immutable import SkewHeap
>>> s1 = SkewHeap(10)
>>> s2 = s1.insert(20)
>>> s2
<fn.immutable.heap.SkewHeap object at 0x...>
>>> s3 = s2.insert(30)
>>> s3
<fn.immutable.heap.SkewHeap object at 0x...>
>>> id(s3) != id(s2)
>>> s3.extract()
(10, <fn.immutable.heap.SkewHeap object at 0x...>)
>>> s3.extract() # <-- s3 isn't changed
(10, <fn.immutable.heap.SkewHeap object at 0x...>)

If you think I'm totally crazy and it will work despairingly slow, just give it 5 minutes. Relax, take a deep breath and read about a few techniques that make persistent data structures fast and efficient: structural sharing and path copying. To see how it works in "pictures", you can check the great slides from Zach Allaun's talk (StrangeLoop 2013): "Functional Vectors, Maps And Sets In Julia". And, if you are brave enough, go and read:

Immutable data structures available in fn.immutable:

  • LinkedList: the most "obvious" persistent data structure, used as building block for other list-based structures (stack, queue)
  • Stack: wraps linked list implementation with well-known pop/push API
  • Queue: uses two linked lists and lazy copy to provide O(1) enqueue and dequeue operations
  • Deque (in progress): "Confluently Persistent Deques via Data Structural Bootstrapping"
  • Deque based on FingerTree data structure (see more information below)
  • Vector: O(log32(n)) access to elements by index (which is near-O(1) for reasonable vector size), implementation is based on BitmappedTrie, almost drop-in replacement for built-in Python list
  • SkewHeap: self-adjusting heap implemented as a binary tree with specific branching model, uses heap merge as basic operation, more information - "Self-adjusting heaps"
  • PairingHeap: "The Pairing-Heap: A New Form of Self-Adjusting Heap"
  • Dict (in progress): persistent hash map implementation based on BitmappedTrie
  • FingerTree (in progress): "Finger Trees: A Simple General-purpose Data Structure"

To get a clearer vision of how persistent heaps work (SkewHeap and PairingHeap), you can look at slides from my talk "Union-based heaps" (with analyzed data structures definitions in Python and Haskell).

Note. Most functional languages use persistent data structures as basic building blocks, well-known examples are Clojure, Haskell and Scala. Clojure community puts much effort to popularize programming based on the idea of data immutability. There are few amazing talk given by Rich Hickey (creator of Clojure), you can check them to find answers on both questions "How?" and "Why?":

Streams and infinite sequences declaration

Lazy-evaluated Scala-style streams. Basic idea: evaluate each new element "on demand" and share consumed elements between all created iterators. A Stream instance supports << to push new elements.

>>> from fn import Stream

>>> s = Stream() << [1,2,3,4,5]
>>> list(s)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
>>> s[1]
>>> list(s[0:2])
[1, 2]

>>> s = Stream() << range(6) << [6,7]
>>> list(s)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

>>> def gen():
...     yield 1
...     yield 2
...     yield 3

>>> s = Stream() << gen << (4,5)
>>> list(s)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Lazy-evaluated streams are useful for infinite sequences, e.g. the fibonacci sequence can be computed as:

>>> from fn.iters import take, drop, map
>>> from operator import add

>>> f = Stream()
>>> fib = f << [0, 1] << map(add, f, drop(1, f))

>>> list(take(10, fib))
[0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34]
>>> fib[20]
>>> list(fib[30:35])
[832040, 1346269, 2178309, 3524578, 5702887]

Trampolines decorator

fn.recur.tco simulates TCO (tail call optimization). Let's start with a simple example of recursive factorial computation:

>>> def fact(n):
...    if n == 0: return 1
...    return n * fact(n-1)

This variant works, but it's really inefficient. Why? It will consume too much memory, linear in the depth of the recursion: if you execute this function with a big n (more than sys.getrecursionlimit()) CPython will fail:

>>> import sys
>>> fact(sys.getrecursionlimit() * 2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded ...

Which is good, as it prevents you from terrible mistakes in your code.

How can we optimize this function? Easy, let's transform it to use a tail call:

def fact(n, acc=1):
    if n == 0: return acc
    return fact(n-1, acc*n)

Is this variant better? Yes, because you don't need to remember previous values (local variables) to get the final result. More about tail call optimization on Wikipedia. But... the Python interpreter will execute this function the same way as the previous one, so you won't win anything here.

fn.recur.tco allows you to optimize a bit this tail call recursion (using a "trampoline" approach):

>>> from fn import recur

>>> @recur.tco
... def fact(n, acc=1):
...    if n == 0: return False, acc
...    return True, (n-1, acc*n)

@recur.tco executes your function in a while loop and checks the output:

  • (False, result) means that we finished,
  • (True, args, kwargs) means that we need to recurse,
  • (func, args, kwargs) switches the function executed inside the while loop.

Example for the third case, to recursively check the parity of a number:

>>> @recur.tco
... def even(x):
...     if x == 0: return False, True
...     return odd, (x-1,)
>>> @recur.tco
... def odd(x):
...     if x == 0: return False, False
...     return even, (x-1,)
>>> even(100000)

Attention: be careful with mutable/immutable data structures processing.

Itertools recipes

fn.uniform unifies generator functions between Python versions (use generator versions of map, filter, reduce, zip, range, filterfalse, zip_longest, backported accumulate).

fn.iters offers high-level recipes for working with iterators, most of them are from the itertools docs and adapted for Python 2+/3+.

  • take, drop
  • takelast, droplast
  • head (alias: first), tail (alias: rest)
  • second, ffirst
  • compact, reject
  • every, some
  • iterate
  • consume
  • nth
  • padnone, ncycles
  • repeatfunc
  • grouper, powerset, pairwise
  • roundrobin
  • partition, splitat, splitby
  • flatten
  • iter_except
  • first_true

See the docstrings and tests for more information.

High-level operations with functions

fn.F wraps functions for easy-to-use partial application and composition:

>>> from fn import F
>>> from operator import add, mul

# F(f, *args) means partial application
# same as functools.partial but returns fn.F instance
>>> F(add, 1)(10)

# F << F means functions composition,
# so (F(f) << g)(x) == f(g(x))
>>> f = F(add, 1) << F(mul, 100)
>>> list(map(f, [0, 1, 2]))
[1, 101, 201]
>>> list(map(F() << str << (_ ** 2) << (_ + 1), range(3)))
['1', '4', '9']

You can also pipe functions with >>:

>>> from fn.iters import filter, range

>>> func = F() >> (filter, _ < 6) >> sum
>>> func(range(10))

You can find more examples in the fn._ implementation.

fn.op.apply executes a function with given args and kwargs. fn.op.flip wraps a function, flipping the order of its arguments.

>>> from fn.op import apply, flip
>>> from operator import add, sub

>>> apply(add, [1, 2])
>>> flip(sub)(20, 10)
>>> list(map(apply, [add, mul], [(1 ,2), (10, 20)]))
[3, 200]

fn.op.foldl and fn.op.foldr create a reducer from a function of two arguments (think of it as curried reduce).

>>> from fn import op
>>> op.foldl(_ + _)([1,2,3])
>>> mult = op.foldr(_ * _, 1)
>>> mult([1,2,3])
>>> op.foldr(, 0 )([_ ** 2, _ + 10])
>>> op.foldr(, 10)([_ ** 2, _ + 10])

Function currying

>>> from fn.func import curried
>>> @curried
... def sum5(a, b, c, d, e):
...     return a + b + c + d + e
>>> sum5(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)
>>> sum5(1, 2, 3)(4, 5)

Functional style error-handling

fn.monad.Option represents optional values, each instance of Option can be either Full or Empty. It provides you with a simple way to write long computation sequences and get rid of many if/else blocks. See usage examples below.

Assume that you have a Request class that gives you a parameter value by its name, and you have to convert it to uppercase and strip it:

>>> class Request(dict):
...     def parameter(self, name):
...         return self.get(name, None)

>>> r = Request(testing="Fixed", empty="   ")
>>> param = r.parameter("testing")
>>> if param is None:
...     fixed = ""
... else:
...     param = param.strip()
...     if len(param) == 0:
...         fixed = ""
...     else:
...         fixed = param.upper()
>>> fixed

Hmm, looks ugly.. But now with fn.monad.Option:

>>> from operator import methodcaller
>>> from fn.monad import optionable

>>> class Request(dict):
...     @optionable
...     def parameter(self, name):
...         return self.get(name, None)

>>> r = Request(testing="Fixed", empty="   ")
>>> (r
...     .parameter("testing")
...     .map(methodcaller("strip"))
...     .filter(len)
...     .map(methodcaller("upper"))
...     .get_or("")
... )

Use or_call for more complex alternatives, for example:

from fn.monad import Option

request = dict(url="face.png", mimetype="PNG")
tp = (Option
    .from_value(request.get("type", None))  # check "type" key first
    .or_call(from_mimetype, request)  # or.. check "mimetype" key
    .or_call(from_extension, request)  # or... get "url" and check extension

Work in progress


  • fn.monad.Either to deal with error logging
  • C-accelerator for most modules

Ideas to think about:

  • Scala-style for-yield loop to simplify long map/filter blocks


If you find a bug:

  1. Check for open issues or open a fresh issue to start a discussion around a feature idea or a bug.
  2. Fork the repository on Github to start making your changes to the master branch (or branch off of it).
  3. Write a test which shows that the bug was fixed or that the feature works as expected.

If you like fixing bugs:

  1. Check for open issues with the label "Help Wanted" and either claim it or collaborate with those who have claimed it.
  2. Fork the repository on Github to start making your changes to the master branch (or branch off of it).
  3. Write a test which shows that the bug was fixed or that the feature works as expected.

How to contact the maintainers

  • Gitter:
  • Jacob's (Organization Owner) Email: him <at>
  • Alex's (Original Project Owner) Email: kachayev <at>


Missing features of fp in Python -- active fork of kachayev/







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