The Fogbow CLI is a command line interface for the Fogbow Resource Allocation Service (RAS), the Membership Service (MS) and the Federated Network Service. Through the Fogbow CLI, users are able to get information about federation members, create, retrieve and delete compute instances, private and federated networks, storage volumes, etc.
apt-get install maven
apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
Download it from our repository and then install it with maven.
Now, install it with Maven:
cd fogbow-cli
mvn install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
You can use the executable located in the bin
folder to use Fogbow-CLI:
./bin/fogbow-cli [command] [command options]
Obs.: You will notice that most commands specify a --url
option. This is the URL where the service you are trying to reach is deployed.
Create a new user token.
Note: to pass the credentials it is necessary the use of dynamic parameters; follow the example with the OpenStack credentials:
--create (required)
--url (required)
Dynamic parameters (Syntax: -Dkey=value):
-Dprojectname= (required): dynamic parameter
-Dpassword= (required): dynamic parameter
-Dusername= (required): dynamic parameter
-Ddomain= (required): dynamic parameter
Get the ids of all federation members.
--get-all (required)
--url (required)
--get-all (required)
--url (required)
--url (required)
--get (required)
--member-id (required)
Get detailed information about a single image.
--get (required)
--url (required)
--system-user-token (required)
--member-id (required)
--id (required)
Get ids of all images.
--get-all (required)
--url (required)
--system-user-token (required)
--member-id (required)
--system-user-token or --system-user-token-path (required)
--url (required)
--system-user-token or --system-user-token-path (required)
Get informationabout a specific instance.
--get (required)
--url (required)
--system-user-token or --system-user-token-path (required)
Get status for all instances orders associated to a particular user's token.
--get-all (required)
--url (required)
--system-user-token or --system-user-token-path (required)
--system-user-token or --system-user-token-path (required)
--url (required)
--system-user-token or --system-user-token-path (required)
--get (required)
--url (required)
--system-user-token or --system-user-token-path (required)
--get-all (required)
--url (required)
--system-user-token (required)
--get-all (required)
--url (required)
--system-user-token or --system-user-token-path (required)
--get-allocation (required)
--member-id (required)
--cloud-name (required)
--url (required)
--system-user-token or --system-user-token-path (required)
--get-quota (required)
--member-id (required)
--cloud-name (required)
--url (required)
--system-user-token or --system-user-token-path (required)
--system-user-token or --system-user-token-path
--url (required)
--system-user-token or --system-user-token-path (required)
--get (required)
--url (required)
--system-user-token or --system-user-token-path (required)
--get-all (required)
--url (required)
--system-user-token or --system-user-token-path (required)
--system-user-token or --system-user-token-path
--url (required)
--system-user-token or --system-user-token-path (required)
--get (required)
--url (required)
--system-user-token or --system-user-token-path (required)
--get-all (required)
--url (required)
--system-user-token or --system-user-token-path (required)
--system-user-token or --system-user-token-path
--url (required)
--system-user-token or --system-user-token-path (required)
--get (required)
--url (required)
--system-user-token or --system-user-token-path (required)
--get-all (required)
--url (required)
--system-user-token or --system-user-token-path (required)
--url (required)
--system-user-token or --system-user-token-path (required)
--compute-id (required)
--url (required)
--system-user-token or --system-user-token-path (required)
--id (required)
--url (required)
--id (required)
--system-user-token or --system-user-token-path (required)
--url (required)
--system-user-token or --system-user-token-path (required)
--public-ip-id or --network-id (required)