team has an official solution that can be used to configure scratch orgs as well as existing orgs. This will be maintained going forward by product team and will have all latest setup.
One point to note is that solution is UI based. If you want find a CI solution then you can start with this repo and add new features as those become available.
Where can I get more information about
For Partners: Go to for AppExchange Partners Partner Community Chatter Group :
This repo can quickly get you started with and Command Center managed package(s). Following is what will be included in this repo:
- PSL (Check config file:
Command Center Managed Package
Command Center Un-Managed Package (Emmployee Wellness Survey Templates)
Quick Start Permission Sets (Make sure to review those as needed)
Shift Management has also been added to the repo however it's disabled by default
You can clone the repo and enable Shift Management with 4 commands towards the end of
- You can do this locally
- Clone this project locally:
- git clone
- Run file: Check for commands
- ./
- You can use this via Heroku Deployer because this repo is ADK ready:
These scripts do NOT configure and Command Center in its entirety. You need to go through the documentation and setup your org for The automation script ( only does steps which can be done automatically.
In addition, there are some permission sets which are generated by Apex. While we run the Apex code in, it may take some time to create those permission sets. That means permission set assignment may or may not work in after we run demo-setup.apex. In that, please ensure to assign following permission sets to the admin user manually:
- Workplace_Admin_Access_Group
- Workplace_Command_Center_Access
- Workplace_Admin_Objects
Yes. There are test data scripts for data model objects. You can manually load this data as per Please note that test data will be automatically loaded if you run ./
Once your org is ready, you can open "Command Center" app to view default dashboard.
No. This repo provides minimum setup needed to view Command Center dashboard (managed package installation, permission set assignment and test data).
If you want to view other components (like Employee Wellness, Surveys, Community for Surveys etc) then you need to go through Command Center Setup guide. One reason is because many steps are not available via metadata and SFDX. For example, Survey and Community link, default page layout assignments etc
Please note extra permissionsets in force-app/main/default/permissionsets
- Most of those are the same permission from setup guide so you can skip those steps and get right into configuration
- Let us know if any permission is missing
- Do not use these in an active org with real user data without reviewing all the permissions
Appiphony, a PDO, has built an app that you can use to check for code samples.
We have created custom version of "Command Center" App's Home page and pre-added Appiphony components. You can use above repo to look at the source.
Yes, you can check that using ISV TE DX Plugin. ISV TE DX plugin has been updated to look for object usage when you add custom fields on those objects. You will be able to see if your package has added any data model dependencies.
To Install or update the plugin: sfdx plugins:install isvte-sfdx-plugin
When executed against a package with depends on you will see output similar to:
Feature and License Dependencies:
More information about this plugin can be found at
Sometimes you may want to load test data in existing org. You can run these data scripts using dx-utils/
You will need "testdata" and "dx-utils/apex-scripts" directories and run following commands.
sfdx force:data:tree:import -p ./testdata/InternalOrganizationUnit-Employee-EmployeeCrisisAssessment-plan.json
sfdx force:apex:execute -f ./dx-utils/apex-scripts/updateLocationVisitorAddressId.apex
Please note that we only have Test Data for following objects.
Test data is for following objects
- Location (Core)
- Employee (Core)
- EmployeeCrisisAssessment (Core)
- Internal Organization Unit (Core)
- We have temporarily removed Appiphony sample app while we are working on fixing some issues
- We have removed extra permissions sets as those are not applicable with latest version of app -- Please check documentation on the process which generates permission sets after running some Apex and need to be assigned to users
Watch a video of this demo in action
This demo is supported by: Jaswinder Rattanpal Log Issues