Robot, performing English conversation with user. Conversation theme is based on a prompt, defined in the file config.json
Transcribation requirements:
- Microphone
- Nvidia GPU + Builded vosk docker image
Text generation requirements:
- Openai account with Api key and Correct payment settings
Speech synthesis requirements:
- Nvidia GPU + Builded nemo docker image
Evaluation requirements (Not required, if evaluation set to 0 in config.json):
- Nvidia GPU + Builded paraphrase docker image
- Nvidia GPU + Builded textqa docker image
git clone
cd examiner
pip install requirements -r
Configure your conf.json:
- Address of Stt server
- Evaluation feature
- Address of Paraphrase server
- Address of Text QA server
- Questions count limit
- Stop words. It can be any roles of speakers. For example, friend, collegue, client, etc.
- Prompt. This text is example base for GPT-3 text generator. There is can be defined any conversation start or example, wich you can imagine.
export OPENAI_API_KEY=your_key
- Listen the question
- Answer by voice to microphone. Press Space, when you finish your speech
- Press Escape while your voice recording, when you ready to complete the dialog
- Get your speech evaluation, if evaluation feature is enabled
- Collect Robot's questions
- Merging User's answers to single Text
- Using TextQA to collect Automatic answers for each question, based on the Text
- Using Paraphrase to compare each user's and automatic answer. If answers are paraphrase, that answer is correct.
- Finally, calculate correct part of overall answers