This RogueLike engine was developed during 7DRL 2024 challenge. It features Depth-First search randomization of 5x5 room map, 4-directional character navigation and room mreveal mechanic.
Target: Apple II machine capable of rendering in 80 COL text mode and utilizing the Mouse Text character pallette.
Written mainly in plain BASIC, except where it wasn't possible to avoiding assembly routines. Such routine is the character screen reading mechanism (readchar.s). A lot of other implementations will have to be rewritten in ASM as well in order to work on a real Apple II machine decently enough. Righ now the text loading algorithm is being rewritten in ASM to greatly speed the loading and buffering processes..
You should clock the emulator at 10Mhz or above, otherwise the program runs very slowly.
Current project is being built on top of