The API was created with the aim of promoting health and well-being in a practical and effective way. Inspired by the growing need for balance in an increasingly fast-paced world, this API offers practical tips, relaxation activities and positive messages to make it easier to incorporate healthy habits into your everyday life.
This project was developed with the following technologies and versions:
- React: 18.2.0
- React DOM: 18.2.0
- React Scripts: 5.0.1
- Axios: 1.6.8
- Testing Library Jest DOM: 5.17.0
- Testing Library React: 13.4.0
- Testing Library User Event: 13.5.0
- Web Vitals: 2.1.4
Follow the steps below to run this project locally:
- Caution: Be sure to initialize the Health API first (URL Below).
- Clone the repository to your local machine using
git clone [repository URL]
. - Navigate to the project directory using
cd [directory name]
. - Install project dependencies using
npm install
. - Start the development server using
npm start
This project uses the API available at