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poudriere logclean.8

Bryan Drewery edited this page Nov 4, 2022 · 5 revisions

This page is auto-generated from src/bin/poudriere-logclean.8


poudriere-logcleancleanup old logfiles

poudriere [poudriere-options] logclean subcommand [options]

This command will cleanup old logfiles.

One subcommand must be supplied.

Remove all logfiles matching the filter.
How many days old of logfiles to keep matching the filter.
-N count
How many logfiles to keep matching the filter per jail/tree/set combination.
-j name
Specifies the name of the jail to filter by.
Dry run, do not actually delete anything.
-B name
Specifies which buildname to match on. May be a glob.
-p tree
Specifies which ports tree to use. This can be specified multiple times to consider multiple trees.
Assume yes, do not confirm and just delete the files.
This will show more information during the build. Specify twice to enable debug output.
-z set
This specifies which SET to filter builds by. Use 0 to match on empty SET.

poudriere(8), poudriere-bulk(8), poudriere-distclean(8), poudriere-image(8), poudriere-jail(8), poudriere-options(8), poudriere-pkgclean(8), poudriere-ports(8), poudriere-queue(8), poudriere-status(8), poudriere-testport(8), poudriere-version(8)

Baptiste Daroussin ⟨⟩
Bryan Drewery ⟨⟩

March 8, 2018 FreeBSD 14.0-CURRENT
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