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Bryan Drewery edited this page Feb 16, 2016 · 1 revision

Release Notes


  • QEMU: Prefer host pkg-static more often for speed.
  • jail -d: If stdin is a TTY, confirm before proceeding.
  • jail -c: Always copy in QEMU emulator, even if not building from src.
  • Support from Ports r399170 and r399171. This speeds up dependency calculations.
  • Null-mount read-only /rescue and /nxb-bin into the jails as they will not change.
  • Add a MUTABLE_BASE option (default yes) to experiment with null-mounting of base
  • jail: Prefer for snapshot downloads from FreeBSD.
  • Optimize jail startup/cloning/rollback and mtree comparisons.
  • Fix some hard-coded temporary files (sandboxed in jails).
  • Kill processes before remounting/rolling back the builder FS, rather than after.
  • jail -c: Fix checking MANIFEST checksums.
  • jail -c: Support pre-distributed MANIFESTs for checksum comparing.
  • QEMU: Remove duplicate NM from make.nxb.conf.
  • Fix installation instruction on the Readme
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