A cli tool to check and guard against anti-patterns
From PyPI:
pip install sqlcop
sqlcop is designed to use with nose-sqlcapture.
First, you use nose-sqlcapture to generate a SQL capture file:
nosetests [other options] --with-sqlcapture --sqlcapture-filename=sql.log --sqlcapture-format=json
Run sqlcop on the generated sql log fie:
sqlcop sql.log
For some checks, a database schema is needed. In that case, you need to supply the url to the database so sqlcop can grab the metadata:
sqlcop --db-urls=mysql://user:pwd@host:port/db sql.log
You can specify more than one db_urls at once:
sqlcop --db-urls=mysql://user:pwd@host:port/db1,mysql://user:pwd@host:port/db2 sql.log