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Fast and light type-guarded query string parsers (handy hook for react included) with ability to set default values.

npm install typed-query-parser

Define, parse and set

import {CreateSchema, ParseQuery, StringifyOn} from 'typed-query-parser'

let queryString = "?q=foo&limited" // e.g.

// define
const TableSchema = CreateSchema(({boolean, string, number, array, literal}) => ({
    q: string(),
    page_id: number(1),
    order_by: literal("id", "title")("id"),
    order_dir: literal("asc","desc")("desc"),
    selected: array(number())(),
    limited: boolean(),

// parse
const TableParams = ParseQuery(queryString, TableSchema)
/* TableParams - {
    q: "foo",
    page_id: 1,
    order_by: "id",
    order_dir: "desc",
    selected: undefined,
    limited: true,

// set
queryString = StringifyOn(queryString, {...TableParams, q: "bar"})

Data types

Currently only 5 data types is available: boolean, string, number, array, literal

All of them expect boolean supports optional default value as the first parameter, so if key is not present in the query string then value fallbacks into default;

const Schema = CreateSchema(({string}) => ({
    foo: string(),
    bar: string("baz"),

// parsing on empty query string
const Data = ParseQuery("", Schema) // foo = undefined, bar = baz

// parsing on non-empty query string
const Data = ParseQuery("?foo=qux", Schema) // foo = qux, bar = baz


apart from any other types boolean doesn't have default value and becomes true only if their key is present


any positive or negative number including float, fallbacks into default if value is not number or not present


any string, fallbacks into default if not present


array of types e.g. array(string())(), fallbacks into default if not present or if there is no elements which passes type validation of the element


predefined list of numbers or strings, fallbacks into default if not present or if value is not one of literals



Create schema for query string, reciaves function which must return object of key:value, where value is type

const Schema = CreateSchema(types => ({
    foo: types.number(),
    bar: types.string(),


Parse query string with schema, can pass precreated schema or pass schema-builder function

const queryString =;

const TableParams = ParseQuery(queryString, Schema)
// OR
const TableParams = ParseQuery(queryString, types => ({
    foo: types.number(),
    bar: types.string(),

Supports third optional parameter with parser settings

const TableParams = ParseQuery(queryString, Schema, {
    shouldThrow: true,
    array_separator: ",",


throw Error when validation of any type fails, you can catch is with try catch


specify separator for array values if you pass array with single key, default is comma

example query string:



specify preset for the array values from elements | elements[] if you pass array with multiple keys

example query string for elements:


example query string for elements[]:


can't specify both array_separator and array_preset


Stringify query object back to query string

const queryObject = {
    foo: "bar",
    baz: 1,

const queryString = Stringify(queryObject)
// foo=bar&baz=1


Stringify query object back to query string using existed query string

let queryString = "foo=qux&baz=1"

const queryObject = {
    foo: "bar",
    baz: undefined,

queryString = StringifyOn(queryString, queryObject)
// foo=bar

if value of key is undefined then this key will be removed fromt the query string

React hook

Hook for react functions with ability to update URL automatically

import {CreateSchema, useQueryParser} from 'typed-query-parser'

const Schema = CreateSchema(({string}) => ({
    foo: string(),
    bar: string(),

// simple usage
function ReactComponentSimple() {
    const [ parsedQuery, updateQuery ] = useQueryParser(, Schema);

    function setFoo() {
        const updatedQueryString = updateQuery({foo: "baz"})
        // returns modified query string ( with new "foo" value

    function clearBar() {
        const updatedQueryString = updateQuery({bar: undefined})
        // returns modified query string ( with "bar" removed


// with automatic url update
function ReactComponent() {
    const [ parsedQuery, updateQuery ] = useQueryParser(,
        {onUpdateAction: "push"}

    function setFoo() {
        updateQuery({foo: "baz"})
        // set "foo" to query URL, triggers rerender

    function clearBar() {
        const updatedQueryString = updateQuery({bar: undefined})
        // remove "bar" frm query URL, triggers rerender

    // updateQuery still returns updated query string if you need it

onUpdateAction can be push which triggers pushSate or replace which triggers replaceState

as well if you don't want hook to update URL automatically but still want to do it with updateQuery function, you can pass push OR replace as the second parameter to updateQuery

you can pass array_separator OR array_preset to the third parameter as well to specify how hook should parse arrays


Package is fully typed and mostly you don't need any special type of it, all tho you may want to get Typescript type of Schema to be able to use it as props etc. To do so use exported type Static

import {CreateSchema, Static} from 'typed-query-parser'

const Schema = CreateSchema(({string}) => ({
    foo: string(),
    bar: string("baz"),

type SchemaType = Static<typeof Schema>


you can find example of usage in NativeUsageExample.tsx

and react hook example of usage in ReactUsageExample.tsx


  • This packages inspired by an amazing runtypes runtime validation for static types
  • Since it's my first public npm package I used zusand as an example for settings up all needed configs an so on. Zusand is an amazing state managemer <3