The ultimate Jenkins ClI ;)
To install jcli on your system, run the following command:
sudo pip install .
jcli is using configuartion file to connect the server.
It can be setup in one of the following paths:
or it can passed as an argument.
Minimal configuartion is:
Print list of all the jobs:
jcli job list
Print jobs which contain the string 'coreci' in their names:
jcli job list coreci
Print the number of jobs on Jenkins server:
jcli job count
Delete job:
jcli job delete <job_name>
Build parameterized job:
jcli job build <job_name> -p '{"GERRIT_REFSPEC": "my_refspec", "GERRIT_BRANCH": "my_branch", "Cleanup_provisioned_resources":"true"}'
Copy job:
jcli job copy my_current_job my_new_awesome_job
Disable job:
jcli job disable my_job
Enable job:
jcli job enable his_job
Print information on last build of specific job:
jcli job last_build super-mario-job
List all views:
jcli view list
List views that contain the string 'hello':
jcli view list hello
Delete view:
jcli view delete view90
List all the jobs under specific view:
jcli view jobs view1
Create new view:
jcli view create new_view
List all nodes:
jcli node list
Delete node:
jcli node delete <node_name>
List all installed plugins:
jcli plugin list
List infromation on specific plugin:
jcli plugin list python
Arie Bregman -