Fuchu.Xunit is a binding for running tests written in Fuchu framework with xUnit runners.
Install as NuGet package: Install-Package Fuchu.Xunit
To have your tests picked up by xUnit infrastructure, declare a function () -> Fuchu.Test
and mark it with [<FuchuTests>]
, e.g.:
let [<FuchuTests>] ``My component``() =
TestList [
test "should be awesome" { 2+3 |> should equal 5 }
test "should be cool, too" { 7 + 1 |> should equal 8 }
The above code will result in two tests visible to xUnit: "My component should be awesome" and "My component should be cool, too".
Test names are derived by concatenating labels from the tree root down to leaves, separating them with a single space, and prefixed by the name of the containing function. For example, the above two tests may be encoded with three levels of labels:
let [<FuchuTests>] ``My component``() =
testList "should be"
[ test "awesome" { 2+3 |> should equal 5 }
test "cool, too" { 7 + 1 |> should equal 8 } ]
If several tests end up named identically, they will be visible to xUnit as a single "multi-run" test, similar to how xUnit's own parametrized tests (aka "theories") work. For example:
let [<FuchuTests>] ``My component``() =
[ test "abc" { ... }
test "xyz" { ... }
test "abc" { ... } ]
The above code will result in discovering two tests named "My component abc" and "My component xyz", but during test run the former will show two runs.