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🕸️ Arduino Web Inject


Inject and build web files into your sketches.

Arduino Web Inject fills your sketches (*.ino) files with HTML/CSS/JS code from files on your PC. This is useful to work with Web Server and create complex web app around Arduino platform.

Why I need this?

This is a list of benefit of using Arduino Web Inject:

  • The HTML/CSS/JS code will be minified and cleaned of comments before being loaded into Arduino. This will allow for significant space savings.
  • Develop a web application using a natural approach and a web-friendly editor.
  • Compile your web files into Arduino without relying on heavy and unnecessary filesystem libraries.
  • Organize your web application with variables populated directly from Arduino code and reusable layouts. Additionally, you can maximize the use of JavaScript and create SPAs or PWAs.

💾 Installation

Arduino Web Inject is a full-written Python project, choose your OS to for detailed installation instructions


Install on Windows

This project require Python on your PC, please visit this page, then download and install the "Windows installer (64-bit)". Keep note where Python will be installed. Make sure to select the option "Add Python 3.x to PATH" during installation.

Open a shell and type the following command (amend path on your PC with the right username)

C:\Users\Sam\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\Scripts\pip install arduino-web-inject

Install on macOS

This project require Python on your Mac, please visit this page, then download and install the "macOS 64-bit universal2 installer". Keep note where Python will be installed.

Alternativley you can use $ brew install python@3.10

Open a shell and type the following command (amend path on your PC with the right username)

% pip3 install arduino-web-inject  

Install on Ubuntu/Debian

$ sudo apt install python
$ pip install arduino-web-inject

Install on Linux

Found best Python package fit to your needs here, then use pip to install arduino-web-inject on your PC.

$ pip install arduino-web-inject

🛠️ Usage

Open a shell and type the following command

$ arduino-web-inject MY_SKETCHES_DIRECTORY

Replace MY_SKETCHES_DIRECTORY with your source code directory. For instances

On Windows (with cmd.exe)

C:\Users\Sam\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\Scripts\arduino-web-inject C:\Users\SamSepiol\OneDrive\Documents\Arduino

On macOS (with Terminal)

% arduino-web-inject /Users/SamSepiol/Documents/Arduino

On Ubuntu/Debian/Linux

$ arduino-web-inject /home/SamSepiol/Arduino

Load HTML file into Arduino

To load a HTML file into your project type a comment like this

// @inject "index.html"
const String indexPage = "...";

void setup() {

When you use the // @inject "filename.html" our tool automatically load and replace the HTML into the string constant declared below the comment

Load CSS file into Arduino

To load a CSS file into your project type a comment like this

// @inject "style.css"
const String style = "...";

void setup() {

When you use the // @inject "filename.css" our tool automatically load and replace the CSS code into the string constant declared below the comment

Load JavaScript file into Arduino

To load a JS file into your project type a comment like this

// @inject "app.js"
const String js = "...";

void setup() {

When you use the // @inject "filename.js" our tool automatically load and replace the JavaScript code into the string constant declared below the comment

Where place my web files?

The @inject comment looks for files inside your sketeches with a relative path starting from the source file (e.g. Arduino/Blink/Blink.ino), we suggest to use a specific sub-directory as example web/ and place all your web files inside it. See examples for inspirations.

How edit my web files?

To modify your web files, you can use your preferred IDE such as VSCode or WebStorm, but also Notepad++. When our tool detects a change in your web files, it will automatically update your Arduino files.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.