continuable for openFrameworks (tested on v0.12.0, continuable version: 4.2.2)
- also includes function2 (4.2.4) as a dependency
See example. (Please use projectGenerator
before run it)
#include "continuable.hpp"
inline cti::continuable<std::string> start_greetings(std::string) {
return cti::make_ready_continuable<std::string>("world");
void ofApp::setup(){
.then([](std::string response) {
ofLogNotice("ofApp") << "hello: " << response;
.then([]() {
ofLogNotice("ofApp") << "waiting for 200ms";
.then([]() {
ofLogNotice("ofApp") << "done";
ofLogNotice("ofApp") << "normal log test";
// Result:
// [notice ] ofApp: hello: world
// [notice ] ofApp: waiting for 200ms
// [notice ] ofApp: done
// [notice ] ofApp: normal log test
- continuable: MIT License
- function2: BSL-1.0 License
NOTE: No specific copyright is claimed for this repository changes (for oF binding), but the Apache License 2.0 or MIT License can be applied if necessary.