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Hugo responsive images

GitHub License GitHub tag (latest by date) GoLang version" Awesome

Hugo responsive images makes generating responsive images for either figures or standard picture elements a breeze.

Minimal inline code is required and configuration can take place either inline, image resource meta data (front matter), page front matter, or in your site's config file.

The project generates both fixed width responsive images (1x,2x etc) and variable width responsive images for responsive pages. Nearly of Hugo's powerful image processing options have been exposed.

The default CSS classes which are added to images and figures are based on Bootstrap, although this can be easily overridden with the configuration below. You must provide your own CSS or CSS framework.

In-keeping with Hugo's philosophy of being non-opinionated, this module does not come with any CSS. Parameter naming is derived from Hugo with the exception of image fit types for aspect ratio resizing based on CSS due to a naming conflict.

Installation (as a module)

You must initialize your project for hugo modules using the command

hugo mod init

Then add this module to your projects configuration

# config.yaml
  - path:

Then you need to install the module with

hugo mod get


  • The latest GoLang (minimum 1.16). See
  • The lates git for downloading the module. See
  • Install the latest hugo (at least 0.101.0)
  • You hugo project must be initialized for hugo modules e.g. hugo mod init in the root of your project.
  • Update your modules with hugo mod get -u

Usage Examples (Quick Start)

Partial - Fixed width & page resource

<!-- <img> generation -->
{{ partial "img"  (dict
  "ctx" .
  "src" "image.jpg"
  "width" 300
  "alt" "Test image"
  ) }}
<!-- <picture> generation, with original and webp image formats included (default)-->
{{ partial "picture"  (dict
  "ctx" .
  "src" "image.jpg"
  "width" 300
  "alt" "Test image"

By providing the "width" key, you will be generating a fixed with image with multiple densities.

Providing width will override widths. You can also provide height (see below - to alter aspect ratio)

"src" is relative to the page's directory, unless you specify a gobal resource is "assets/{image path}"

Partial - Fixed with & global resource

{{ partial "image"  (dict
  "ctx" .
  "src" "assets/images/image.jpg"
  "width" 300
  "alt" "Test image"

Partial - Responsive width & page resource

{{ partial "picture" (dict
  "src" "images/image.jpg"
  "ctx" .
  "alt" "Test image"
  // sizes not needed if loading=lazysizes
  "sizes" [string] // set the sizes property for the image tag, defaults to "100vw"
  // optional 
  "widths" (slice 400 800 1200) // override default responsive widths.
  ) }}

You don't need to provide the "widths" key to generate responsive width images, this is the default behavior and the widths config will be used.

Partial - Cropping an image to an aspect ratio

{{ partial "picture"  (dict
  "ctx" .
  "src" "image.jpg"
  "aspect_ratio" "4:3"
  "alt" "Test image"
  ) }}

If you are generating a fixed with image, you can alternatively specify the aspect ratio by supplying a height along with the width. This overrides aspect_ratio.

{{ partial "picture"  (dict
  "ctx" .
  "src" "image.jpg"
  "width" 300
  "height" 300
  "alt" "Test image"
  ) }}

Shortcode - Cropping an image to an aspect ratio, custom respnsive widths

{{< picture src=image.jpg aspect_ratio=4:3  widths=400,900 alt="Test Image" >}}

The page context is already provided by the shortcode

Double quotes (" ") don't have to be used for the property values if there are no spaces.

Comma seperated values are converted into arrays, numbers are converted into integers.

aspect_ratio is defined with the format aspect_ratio=16:9

Shortcode - Single positional parameter

{{< picture image.jpg >}}

The image will have no alt text, you will need to suppress the error, or use resource meta data to pass params.

Partial - Figure

{{ partial "figure"  (dict
  "ctx" .
  "src" "image.jpg" 
  "figcaption_title" "Boat x54"
  "caption" "My favourite boat"
  "link" ""
  "alt" "Test figure"
  ) }}

And all the options...

{{ partial "figure"  (dict
  "ctx" .
  "src" "image.jpg" 
  "figcaption_title" "Boat x54"
  "figcaption_title_h" 4
  "caption" "My favourite boat"
  "attr" "Author name"
  "attr_link" ""
  "link" ""
  "alt" "Test figure"
  ) }}

Usage as a markdown render hook

By default a markdown render hook template has been included. To turn it on set the config params.image.renderHook: true. It has been disabled by default as it may break existing functionality.

The render hook will only render page resource images - the image path will be relative to the page's markdown file.

The render hook template will take title and alt from the markdown image tag e.g.

![Image ALT text](img1.jpg "Image TITLE text")

You can set configuration at a resource meta data, page or site level e.g.

  • turn on the render hook just for one page (image.render_hook: true)
  • set the responsive widths (image.widths: [400, 900])
  • set the image width through page image resource meta data

Render hook only responsive widths default to shortcode responsive widths, and then standard widths. See above for site/page configuration. (image.render_hook_widths > image.shortcode_widths > image.widths)

A div wrapper around the image has been provided see above for configuration (image.render_hook_wrapper_class)

You can also set configuration via image resources meta data using the following example:

- src: img1.jpg
  title: Optionally Set title here
      alt: Optionally set alt here
      width: 300
      class: custom-class # etc



(I have opted to set alt and title via frontmatter to make the example more informative..)

Render hook figure

If you wish to output a figure with a render hook, you need to set the param "figure: true" e.g.

- src: img1.jpg
    figure: true
    caption: Figure caption text
    figcaption_title: Caption title

### Aspect ratio resizing

To alter the aspect ratio of the image set `aspect_ratio` with a colon delimited aspect ratio e.g. 16:9.

The `fit` option allows you to set the kind of resize (uses CSS rules)

- `cover` (crops the image to the aspect ratio using Image.Fill - **default**)
- `contain` (image is contained within the aspect ratio (letterboxing) uses Image.Fit) CSS may be required to center the image vertically/horizontally as desired.
- `fill` (image is resized to fill the aspect ratio, one edge will be squished or stretched uses Image.Resize)

## Configuration - Site Config

The first set of configuration items are from [Hugo's image processing configuration. See the docs for more info.](

You can suppress the no alt text error with the `ignoreErrors` config.


  anchor: Smart # for smart cropping when setting the fillRatio
  bgColor: '#ffffff' # when converting transparent images to formats which dont support transparency
  hint: photo # for conversin to webp
  quality: 75 # compression quality
  resample_filter: Box # compression filter
ignoreErrors: ["alt-error"] # suppress error message if no alt text (or title) has been provided.

If setting imaging options at a site level, this is the best method. You can also use image parameters if you wish to set image options just for this module, although this would probably be best used at a page level.

    anchor: Smart
    bgColor: "#ffffff"
    hint: photo
    quality: 75
    resample_filter: Box

Configuration - Site or page params (Defaults shown)

    widths: [600, 900, 1300] # widths to generate if widths not specified
    # shortcode_widths: [600, 900, 1300] # custom widths for shortcode use in markdown files. If unset defaults to widths
    # render_hook_widths: [600, 900, 1300] # custom widths for render hook use in markdown files. If unset defaults to shortcode widths
    densities: [1,2] # densities which are output when an image width is specified
    formats: [webp, original] # set output formats. options are `original`, `bmp`, `gif`, `jpeg`, `jpg`, `png`, `tif`, `tiff`, and `webp`. In order of least supported to most supported. For "image_only" the first format will be used.
    class: img-fluid # default image class if no class is specified
    figure_class: "figure img-fluid" # default figure class
    figure_image_class: "figure-img img-fluid" # default figure image class (appended to image class) ## USE .class to override outside of config
    figcaption_class: figure-caption # default figcaption class
    figcaption_title_h: 4 # heading level for figure title
    render_hook_wrapper_class: img-wrapper # image wrapper class for render hook
    shortcode_wrapper_class: img-wrapper # image wrapper class for shortcode
    loading: lazy # or auto/lazysizes # lazy/auto are for stock browser behavior, lazysizes will use lazysizes.js
    render_hook: false # set to false to disable included markdown image render hook
                      # override by setting imageRenderHook: true/false in front matter
    output: partial # img, figure # partial called by render-hook
    # placeholder: lqip # or dominant/file_name  (see colours set up in assets/images/placeholder-colors) use filename without .gif
    lqip_blur_amount: 5 # apply gaussian blur amount of 5 to lqip
                      # may need to be increased at a page level for larger images
    lqip_div_amount: 5 # lqip is 5x smaller than the smallest image in srcset
    gif_div_amount: 10 # single color gif placeholder is 10x smaller than smallest image in srcset
    # provider: netlify # currently only supports netlify image processing.
    suppress_width_warning: false # turn of warning that image cannot be resized to the widths specified

All of image parameter configuration items can also be configured on a per page basis by adding the config to the page's front matter.

For example:

title: About 
  widths: [400, 750, 1300]

You can also use resource meta data in the page's markdown - you have to target the resource(s) with glob matching e.g.

- src: images/sunset.jpg # you can also glob match e.g. "product*.jpg"
      placeholder: lqip # use any of the settings here

Partial or shortcode configuration

The following options are only available at a partial or shortcode level:

# image_only, picture and figure
"src" "image_path.jpg" # relative to page, or assets folder (for global resource)
"title" "Image Title" # defaults to figureTitle, and then the pages title
"class" "img-fluid" # class for image (not a figure image)
"alt" "Image Alt Text"
"aspect_ratio" (slice 4 3) # width by height, image will be cropped. 
"width" 300 # for fixed with image
"widths" (slice 500 900 1500) # for responsive images
# figure only
"figure_title" "Title for figure caption" # can be left blank
"caption" "Figure Caption Text"
"attr" "Author Attribution"
"attr_link" "Attribution link"

The following options can be configured at a partial/shortcode & page/site config level

See above for explanations

image and figure (with partial example)

{{ partial "image" (dict 
  "densities" (slice 1 2)
  "formats" (slice "original" "jpg")
  "provider" "netlify"
  "loading" "lazy"
  "sizes" "100vw"
) }}

figure only

"target" "_blank"
"rel" "noopener noreferrer"
"link" ""
"figure_class" "figure-img img-fluid"
"figcaption_class" "figure-caption"
"figcaption_title_h" 4

placeholder options

"placeholder" "lqip" # set to lqip, dominant, [file_name] or false
"lqip_div_factor" 5 # smallest image in srcset is divided by this number for LQIP size
"lqip_blur_amount" 5 # amount of gaussian blur to apply to LQIP
"gif_div_factor" 10 # dominant/gif file is resized to this division factor (of smallest image in srcset)

hugo image processing options

its recommended to use hugos native image config unless you want to only set for this module.

"quality" 75
"rotate" 0
"resample_filter" "box"
"hint" "photo"
"anchor" "smart"
"bg_color" "#ffffff"

See above for examples of how to set these options from within a shortcode

Noscript required HTML, JS and CSS

The following elements are required for the <noscript> module to work.

    noscript: true # or enable at page/meta data/inline level

The script must be the first item in the <head> to ensure that the js class is added before any rendering takes plage.

<!-- baseof.html -->
      const noJs = document.documentElement.classList.contains('no-js');
      if (noJs) document.documentElement.classList.remove('no-js');
      /* can also be included in a css file */
    img.lazyload {
      display: none;
    noscript img.lazyload {
      display: block;
    .js img.lazyload  {
      display: block;



Displaying a placeholder image while the actual image is loading is dependent on the use of lazysizes.js for the purpose of swapping the image. loading: lazysizes must be set in site/page configuration, or per image.

The configuration item placeholder has three options; lqip, dominant (dominant color used), or specify an image in the assets/images/placeholder-images directory, without the .gif extension. False can be used to override a placeholder configuration at a page or partial/shortcode level.

The following colours (based on bootstrap) have been provided:

  • white
  • gray-100
  • gray-200
  • gray-300
  • gray-400
  • gray-500
  • gray-600
  • gray-700
  • gray-800
  • gray-900
  • black

To create a custom color, make a 10px x 10px gif image with only 1 color and save it in the directory and then call it by its file name, without the .gif extension.

Lqip gaussian blur amount can be adjusted with the lqip_blur_amount configuration item in site/page configuration, or per image.

Lqip image size division factor can be adjusted with the lqip_div_factor configuration item in site/page configuration, or per image. It is based off the smallest image in the srcset.

Dominant/single color gif image size division factor can be adjusted with the gif_div_factor configuration item in site/page configuration, or per image. It is based off the smallest image in the srcset.

example config:

    loading: lazysizes # must be set as lazysizes will swap out the placeholder on load
    placeholder: lqip   # or dominant or file_name e.g. gray-300 
    # config below this line is not required if not changing the defaults
    lqip_blur_amount: 6 # apply gaussian blur amount of 6 to lqip
                      # may need to be increased at inline level for larger images
    lqip_div_factor: 2 # lqip is 2x smaller than the smallest image in srcset
    gif_div_factor: 10 # single color gif placeholder will be 10x smaller than smallest image in srcset

Setting up Lazysizes.js

Add required CSS for sizes property to work

img[data-sizes="auto"] { display: block; width: 100%; }
/* so bootstrap 5 figures display correctly */
.figure {display: block}

Import inline via CDN

JavaScript Module via NPM


npm install lazysizes

Import core package

import 'lazysizes';

Add native lazyloading plugin

import lazySizes from 'lazysizes';
import 'lazysizes/plugins/native-loading/ls.native-loading';

lazySizes.cfg.nativeLoading = {
  setLoadingAttribute: true, // adds loading="lazy" to match non-native behavior
  disableListeners: {
    scroll: true // speeds up browser by not listening to scroll if native lazy load support detected

Module configuration

    loading: lazysizes


Issues and pull requests are welcome. If need be, make changes to the test site directly in this repository.

Test site is visible @

Test site resides in /.testSite


Name Inline Meta Page Site Description Default
src YES NO NO NO Provide resource path undefined
type YES YES YES YES page/global - Type of image resource page
title YES YES NO NO Image title figcaption_title
aspect_ratio YES YES YES NO Aspect ratio for image e.g. 16:9 null
fit YES YES YES NO Fit type for aspect_ratio (cover, contain, fill) cover
widths YES YES YES YES Widths for responsive width image generation [600, 900, 1300]
width YES YES YES NO Set widths for fixed with image. Disables widths 'null'
densities YES YES YES YES Densities for fixed with image generation [1,2]
formats YES YES YES YES Image formats to generate. Cannot set to just "webp". In order of browser support. ["original", "webp" ]
provider YES YES YES YES External image processing provider. Only netlify supported for now null
loading YES YES YES YES auto/lazy/lazysizes - Type of image loading "auto"
sizes YES YES YES NO [string] - Image sizes for responsive widths images "100vw"
class YES YES YES YES Image class "img-fluid"
alt YES YES NO NO Image alt text caption (figure) then Image of [title] then generates error.
output NO YES YES YES Render hook output. Default picture can be set to figure or img

Placeholder variables

Name Inline Meta Page Param Site Param Description Default
placeholder YES YES YES YES lqip/dominant/[gif file name] - Set the placeholder type null
lqip_div_factor YES YES YES YES Division factor for lqip gif size 5
lqip_blur_amount YES YES YES YES Amount of gaussian blur for lqip 5
gif_div_factor YES YES YES YES Division factor for solid gif placeholder 10

Image processing parameters (overrides hugo image processing defaults if set at any level)

See for settings

Name Inline Meta Page Param Site Param Description
quality YES YES YES YES Override hugo image processing default
rotate YES YES YES YES Override hugo image processing default
resample_filter YES YES YES YES Override hugo image processing default
hint YES YES YES YES Override hugo image processing default
anchor YES YES YES YES Override hugo image processing default
background_color YES YES YES YES Override hugo image processing default

Figure Specific Parameters

Name Inline Meta Page Param Site Param Description Default Notes
link YES YES NO NO Figure image link null
target YES YES YES YES Figure link target "_blank" for http links
rel YES YES YES YES Figure link rel "noopender, noreferrer" for http links
figure_class YES YES YES YES Figure class "figure"
figure_image_class YES YES YES YES Figure image class "figure-img img-fluid" Outside of config file, .class is used to override default.
figcaption_class YES YES YES YES Figcaption class "figure-caption"
figcaption_title_h YES YES YES YES Figcaption title level 4
figcaption_title YES YES NO NO Figcaption Title null
attr YES YES NO NO Figcaption atttribute null
attr_link YES YES NO NO Figcaption attribute link null
attr_link_target YES YES YES YES attr_link target "_blank" for http links
attr_link_rel YES YES YES YES attr_link rel "noopender, noreferrer" for http links
caption YES YES NO NO Figcaption caption null

Advanced Usage

Creating custom shortcodes

Copy and paste the code from any shortcodes in this module, into a shortcode in your project. You must add a shortcode named parameter to your shortcode, and define which built in shortcode you wish to use e.g. (your custom shortcode is called custom-img and its being pointed to the built in img shortcode)

{{< custom-img src=test6.jpg shortcode=img >}}