We use the Crowdin translation platform (see our project on Crowdin ) and their client to manage translations.
In command line mode, sending source files is done with this command:
crowdin-cli upload source
Downloading the existing translations is done with this command:
crowdin-cli download
You can directly edit any page (but don't forget to copy them on Crowdin after translating it) or you can use Crowdin's interface directly.
The second option is the easiest for most people.
- Create the page in English or at least create an issue to ask someone to do it for you
- This page must have a name related to its content and should be named in the language you are translating into
- In the source/LANGUAGE/index.rst file, create a link to your new page
- In the crowdin.yaml file, create the information related to this new page now ready for translation
- Push the new page to Crowdin
- Create the new directory under source/LANGUAGE, where LANGUAGE is the locale code for the new language you want to add (see this page for the list of supported languages and their locale code on Crowdin)
- In the crowdin.yaml file add the new language for each translation (under languages_mapping)
- Set the language in conf.py (see the language list)
- Push your translation to Crowdin
php builddoc
Or you can also use
- Having sphinx installed
- Having php cli available
- Having crowdin-cli installed
SPHINXBUILD="docker run --rm -v $PWD:/doc umbrellium/sphinx-doc sphinx-build" ./builddoc html
To clean the doc generated by docker use the following command
docker run --rm -v $PWD:/doc umbrellium/sphinx-doc rm -rf build/*
Install dependencies:
composer install
Run rusy to check for code examples:
./vendor/bin/rusty check --no-execute source/ -v
Crowdin helps seeing the progression of translations. It also has a good suggestion module created both from the already translated parts and from Bing Translator.
An anchor in the documentation is displayed as such:
.. _installation-par-composer:
They must not be translated and remain the same as in the original translation. It will be easier for other people to translate other page referencing this anchor. Translations anchors would result in broken links when you switch language on the site.
We use the reStructuredText syntax. You can find it on the sphinx website.
In reStructuredText syntax, you can use a wide variety of character to underline. The order use in the atoum documentation is : #, *, =, -, ", ^, `, :, ., ' . Now if you have more than 4 subdivisions you may want to split your document into multiple files.
This documentation is under the CC by-nc-sa 4.0 licence. You can find more information on this page
You can check our IRC channel ##atoum on freenode
Some thing should not be translated
- anchor/ref
- directory name