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Go framework for syslog sidecars creation

GoDev Go

Any syslogsidecar based process consists of:

  • syslog server and run-time environment provided by syslogsidecar
  • broker specific plugins developed in separated repos

syslog server component

syslog server component of sidecar:

  • receives logs intended for syslogd
  • parses, validates and filters messages
  • converts messages to easy for further processing partname=partvalue format
  • supports RFCs:


RFC3164 is oldest syslog RFC, syslogsidecar supports it for old syslogd clients.

RFC3164 message consists of following symbolic parts:

  • "priority" (priority = facility * 8 + severity Level)
  • "facility"
  • "severity"
  • "timestamp"
  • "hostname"
  • "tag"
  • "content" (text of the message)


RFC5424 message consists of following symbolic parts:

  • "priority" (priority = facility * 8 + severity level)
  • "facility"
  • "severity"
  • "timestamp"
  • "hostname"
  • "version"
  • "app_name"
  • "proc_id"
  • "msg_id"
  • "structured_data"
  • "message" (text of the message)

Non-RFC parts

syslogsidecar adds rfc of produced message:

  • Part name: "rfc"
  • Values: "RFC3164"|"RFC5424"

Badly formatted messages

syslogsidecar creates only one part for badly formatted message - former syslog message:

  • Part name: "data"

Syslog facilities

The facility represents the machine process that created the Syslog event

Name Value Description
"kern" 0 kernel messages
"user" 1 random user-level messages
"mail" 2 mail system
"daemon" 3 system daemons
"auth" 4 security/authorization messages
"syslog" 5 messages generated internally by syslogd
"lpr" 6 line printer subsystem
"news" 7 network news subsystem
"uucp" 8 UUCP subsystem
"cron" 9 clock daemon
"authpriv" 10 security/authorization messages (private)
"ftp" 11 ftp daemon
"local0" 16 local use 0
"local1" 17 local use 1
"local2" 18 local use 2
"local3" 19 local use 3
"local4" 20 local use 4
"local5" 21 local use 5
"local6" 22 local use 6
"local7" 23 local use 7

Severity levels

As the name suggests, the severity level describes the severity of the syslog message in question.

Level Name Description
0 emerg system is unusable
1 alert action must be taken immediately
2 crit critical conditions
3 err error conditions
4 warning warning conditions
5 notice normal but significant condition
6 info informational
7 debug debug-level messages

syslogsidecar filters messages by severity level according to value in configuration, e.g. for


all messages with severity above 4 will be discarded.

Timestamp format

syslogsidecar saves timestamps in RFC3339 format


All configuration files of the process should be stored within one folder. Path of this folder process receives via "--cf" flag in command line, e.g.:

./syslogproc --cf ./cmd/syslogproc/conf/  

Any value in configuration file may be overridden using environment variables

Embedded configuration files

syslogsidecar process can use embedded configuration files:

import (

//go:embed conf
var embconf embed.FS

func main() {
	cleanUp, _ := sidecar.UseEmbeddedConfiguration(&embconf)
	defer cleanUp()

For this case content of conf subfolder embedded within process. No needs for "--cf" flag in command line.

syslog server configuration

Configuration of syslog server component of syslogsidecar is saved in the file syslogreceiver.json:

    "ADDRTCP": "",
    "ADDRUDP": "",
    "UDSPATH": "",
    "ADDRTCPTLS": "",
    "CLIENT_KEY_PATH ": "",
    "ROOT_CA_PATH": ""

and related go struct:

type SyslogConfiguration struct {
	// The Syslog Severity level ranges between 0 to 7.
	// Each number points to the relevance of the action reported.
	// From a debugging message (7) to a completely unusable system (0):
	//	0		Emergency: system is unusable
	//	1		Alert: action must be taken immediately
	//	2		Critical: critical conditions
	//	3		Error: error conditions
	//	4		Warning: warning conditions
	//	5		Notice: normal but significant condition
	//	6		Informational: informational messages
	//	7		Debug: debug-level messages
	// Log with severity above value from configuration will be discarded
	// Examples:
	// -1 - all logs will be discarded
	// 5  - logs with severities 6(Informational) and 7(Debug) will be discarded
	// 7  - all logs will be processed

	// IPv4 address of TCP listener.
	// For empty string - don't use TCP
	// e.g "" - listen on all adapters, port 5141
	// "" - listen on loopback "adapter"
	ADDRTCP string

	// IPv4 address of UDP receiver.
	// For empty string - don't use UDP
	// Usually "" - receive from all adapters, port 5141
	// "" - receive from loopback "adapter"
	ADDRUDP string

	// Unix domain socket name - actually file path.
	// For empty string - don't use UDS
	// Regarding limitations see
	UDSPATH string

	// TLS section: Listening on non empty ADDRTCPTLS will start only
	// for valid tls configuration (created using last 3 parameters)
	ADDRTCPTLS       string
	ROOT_CA_PATH     string

Experimental feature

For os with support of SO_REUSEPORT socket option, sidecar opens simultaneously 8 UDP ports. You can use netstat command to see the list:

sudo netstat  --udp --listening --programs --numeric|grep 5141

it is intended to improve the performance of multithreaded network server applications running on top of multicore systems and decrease number of dropped UDP messages (see syslog udp message loss)

Because this feature is experimental:

  • it is not configurable
  • may be removed in the near future


There are 3 kinds of broker specific plugins:

  • connector
  • producer
  • consumer (only for tests)


  • connects to the server(broker)
  • periodically validate connection state and re-connect in case of failure
  • informs another parts of the process about status of the connection
  • provides additional information

Interface of connector:

type ServerConnector interface {
	// Connects to the server and return connection to server
	// If connection failed, returns error.
	// ' Connect' for already connected
	// and still not brocken connection should
	// return the same value returned in previous
	// successful call(s) and nil error
	Connect(cf ConfFactory) (conn ServerConnection, err error)

	// Returns false if
	//  - was not connected at all
	//  - was connected, but connection is brocken
	// True returned if
	//  - connected and connection is alive
	IsConnected() bool

	// If connection is alive closes it

More about connector and underlying software - sputnik

Examples of connector:


  • forwards(produces) messages to the broker

Interface of producer:

type MessageProducer interface {

	// Translate message to format of the broker and send it
	Produce(msg sputnik.Msg) error

Examples of producer:

Advanced configuration and helper functions for producer

syslog.conf file contains logging rules for syslogd.

syslogsidecar support similar functionality via syslogconf.json file within configurations folder and 2 helper functions for producer.

syslogconf.json file should be provided by developer of the syslogsidecar for specific broker.

Example of syslogconf.json used by syslogsidecar in e2e test:

    "Selector": "local0.err,crit,alert,emerg",
    "Target": "app-critical"
    "Selector": "info,notice",
    "Target": "informative_station"
    "Selector": "err,crit,alert",
    "Target": "system critical subjects"
    "Selector": "kern",
    "Target": "kernel-logs"
    "Selector": "emerg",
    "Target": "emergency messages"
    "Selector": "data",
    "Target": "badmessages-topic"

Selector contains rule based on facilities and or severities of the message in question.

Target contains where message should be published to. It may be topic, station, subject, folder, combination of configuration parameters, etc - it depends on functionality of specific broker. One requirement - not empty valid for JSON format string.

E.g. for the configuration above:

All local0 messages with severity from the list err,crit,alert,emerg should be published to "app-critical"

    "Selector": "local0.err,crit,alert,emerg",
    "Target": "app-critical"

Message with severity info or notice should be published to "informative_station"

    "Selector": "info,notice",
    "Target": "informative_station"

All kernel messages should be published to "kernel-logs"

    "Selector": "kern",
    "Target": "kernel-logs"

All badly formatted messages should be published to "badmessages-topic"

    "Selector": "data",
    "Target": "badmessages-topic"

Producer can get list of targets for the message from syslogsidecar.Targets function:

// Returns list of non-repeating "targets" for the message according to facility and severity
// of the message and content of syslogconf.json file.
// Usually error returned for the case of absent or wrong syslogconf.json file.
// nil, nil - means no defined targets for the message.
// Decision for this case on producer, e.g. use default target(topic, station, etc)
// Sidecar transfers targets to producer with solely processing -
// trim spaces on both sides of the string.
// Target may be any non-empty valid for JSON format string.
func Targets(msg sputnik.Msg) ([]string, error) 

Example of possible usage by producer:

topics, _ := syslogsidecar.Targets(msg)

for _, topic := range topics {
  mpr.produceToTopic(msg, topic)

Additional helper function - syslogsidecar.AllTargets():

// Returns list of all non-repeating "targets" existing in syslogconf.json file
// and error for absent or wrong syslogconf.json file.
func AllTargets() ([]string, error)

Implementations are based on syslogsidecar

Automatic startup of the message broker during test/integration

You can use starter for automatic start/stop docker containers with broker services.

	stop, _ := sidecar.StartServices()

	defer stop()



