This app was created to be a free app available for the community where everyone can access and get help or give help. NGO are allowed.
- You may have Nodejs installed.
- In your local folder that contains the project, installs npm by typing "npm install"
- You also will need to create a project in Realtime database on Google Cloud.
- Create a .env.local file with the info that Google Cloud shared with you.
- You may run
npm start
the the project /
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
You can also take a look on the documentation based on UWE on community-docs repo
{ "rules": { "eventos": { ".read": "auth!=null", ".write": "auth!=null", "$eventoId": { ".read": true, ".write": "auth!=null && data.child('authorId').val() ==", "presenca": { ".read": true, ".write": "auth!=null && (!data.exists() || data.child('authorId').val() ==" } } }, "faq": { ".write": true, ".read": "auth!=null && (data.child('authorId').val() == ||'123')" }, "users":{ ".write":"auth!=null", ".read": "auth!=null" }, "recursos":{ ".write":"auth!=null", ".read": true } } }