Scripts and programs for setting up a new PC.
Helper script to configure a new PC.
The script will install a set of packages, programs and tools that you might find useful.
Run the script with ./pc/
Helper script to install and configure zsh
The script will also install oh-my-zsh
with a Powerlevel10k theme and a set of plugins for auto-completion and aliases for commonly used packages. Run the script with ./zsh/
More information in the README, see the image below for an example of the prompt.
Git hooks are scripts that Git executes before or after events such as: commit, push, and receive. You can use these hooks to catch (style) errors before they are committed by running linting and formatting tools. Pre-commit is a multi-language package manager that allows you to easily install and manage pre-commit hooks.
To use pre-commit, you'll need to create a configuration file named .pre-commit-config.yaml
in the root of your repository.
Then run the following commands to install pre-commit and install the hooks specified in the configuration file.
pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install
Alternatively, if you have set up the toolbox
functions from this repository, you use the following command to copy the pre-commit configuration file from this repository to your current working directory.
- Black
- Install with
pip install black
- VSCode extension: Black Formatter
- Install with
- Ruff
- Install with
pip install ruff
- VSCode extension: Ruff
- Configuration file: .ruff.toml, copy with
- Install with
- Clang-Format
- Install with
sudo apt install clang-format-13
- VSCode extension: Clang-Format
- Configuration file: .clang-format, copy with
- Install with