I believe teams that have a strong culture and identity are, all things equal, better teams.
This presentation was created as an on-boarding introduction for new team members joining the krazyglue team
in winter of 2016. I hope someone finds it useful.
Credit for the slides goes to Ervin Janusko, Jenny Millman, Joan Gamell (myself), Pratik Deshpande, Shruthi Srikantaiah, Tamas Beres, Vivian Chan, Yani Zhang, Zsolt Horvath
This presentation is written in Markdown language and compiled using markpress, a CLI tool I created myself (yup, dogfood). To compile it yourself you can follow this steps:
- Get markpress:
npm install -g markpress
- Start in editor mode to preview changes:
markpress the-krazyglue-way.html --edit
- Compile:
markpress the-krazyglue-way.html
You can get in touch with me with feedback, comments or questions at: