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The transmission system expansion project application to study illustrative three-nodes energy system

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The repository contains the implementtion of the TSEP considering the possibility to expand the VRES and conventional generation capacity in addition to lines.

The code contains the following functions

function single_level_problem_generation(ip::initial_parameters)    


function bi_level_problem_generation(ip::initial_parameters, market::String)    

That generate the centralised single-level model or bi-level model respectfully.

The parameter ip is a structure that stores attributes for generating JuMP model with the following fileds


  • num_scen::Int Number of scenarios used in the model
  • num_nodes::Int Number of nodes in the model
  • num_time_periods::Int Number of time periods used in the model
  • num_VRES::Int Number of types of VRES sources
  • num_conv::Int Number of types of conventional sources
  • num_prod::Int Number of energy producer
  • scen_prob::Vector{Float64} Vector of probabilities associated with each scenario
  • time_periods::Vector{Float64} Vector of the time periods values (h)
  • id_slope::Array{Float64} Slope of the inverse demand function
  • id_intercept::Array{Float64} Intercept of the inverse demand function
  • vres::VRES_parameters VRES related parameters
  • conv::conventional_generation_parameters Conventional generation related parameters
  • transm::transmission_parameters Transmission lines related paramters

And the paramter market is a string variable that takes values "perfect" or "cournot" indicating whether we should consider perfect comptetion or the cournot oligopoly between investors at the lower level.

The main code including all the correspondent packages and files is located in the file experiments.jl.

To run the code change the string file src_link = "/Users/nikitabelyak/Dropbox (Aalto)/IIASA/TSEP" to point to a link to the location of the repository on your local device.


The transmission system expansion project application to study illustrative three-nodes energy system







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