- C++ Win32 gui draft project used to experiment with xtd.
- DO NOT USE this project for your developments.
- I put it at the disposal of the community because it can be an inspiration for you and because it could be a good start to start a Win32 project properly.
- A basic application class that allows to start and stop the Windows event loop
- A control class which is the basis for all other controls like, form, button, label, ...
- An elegant way to receive the events in all the controls and to process them cleanly in C++.
If you want a complete project on which to base your development, please use xtd.
#include <win32_gui/win32_gui>
using namespace win32;
using namespace win32::forms;
int wmain(int argc, wchar_t* argv[]) {
form form1;
button button1;
button1.location({10, 10});
button1.text(L"Click me!");
button1.click += [](control& sender, const event_args& e) {
MessageBox(form1.handle(), L"Hello, World!", L"", MB_OK);