This pipeline does not care about model performance, one should realise
that the feature columns contain full information to predict the target
because price_increase
is derived as follows:
df["price_increase"] = (df["close"] > df["open"]).astype(int)
- CI scripts not yet implemented.
- Refactor
) and updateDockerfile
- Setup DevOps local environment:
- Git
- Virtual Environment
- Setup files such as
, etc. This can be set up using scripts. - Styling/Formatter/Linter
- Logging with Rich (Monitoring locally). Important to have! See logger class.
- Pre-commit hooks
- Pytest
- Documentation
- Model serving
- The steps in 1. should be reproduced via
. - CI/CD: Currently just setup github actions to test the above workflows.
Nest the unit, integration tests section under this section.
create_generic_tests_directories() {
mkdir -p tests
touch tests/
for dir in "${FOLDERS[@]}"
mkdir -p tests/unit/$dir
touch tests/unit/$dir/
touch tests/unit/$dir/test_${dir}.py
mkdir -p tests/integration/$dir
touch tests/integration/$dir/
touch tests/integration/$dir/test_${dir}.py
# Create system tests directory and
mkdir -p tests/system
touch tests/system/
For code formatting, you can use tools like black. Black enforces a consistent code style to make the codebase easier to read and understand.
Linting tools like pylint can be used to check your code for potential errors and enforce a coding standard.
Unit testing frameworks like pytest can be used to write tests that check the functionality of individual pieces of your code.
Static type checkers like mypy can be used to perform static type analysis on your code. This helps catch certain kinds of errors before runtime.
Integration tests look at how different parts of your system work together. These might be particularly important for ML workflows, where data pipelines, training scripts, and evaluation scripts all need to interact smoothly.
System testing falls within the scope of black-box testing, and as such, should require no knowledge of the inner design of the code or logic.
In a machine learning context, system testing might involve running the entire machine learning pipeline with a predefined dataset and checking if the output is as expected. You would typically look to see if the entire system, when run end-to-end, produces the expected results, given a specific input. This could involve evaluating overall system performance, checking the quality of the predictions, and validating that the system meets all the specified requirements.
Track the performance of your models or certain parts of your code over time. This could involve running certain benchmarks as part of your CI pipeline and tracking the results.
Depending on your workflow, you might want to have a stage that validates your models, checking things like model performance metrics (accuracy, AUC-ROC, etc.) to ensure they meet a certain threshold.
Tools like bandit can be used to find common security issues in your Python code.
Tools like radon can give you metrics about how complex your codebase is. This can help keep complexity down as the project grows.
If you have auto-generated documentation, you might have a CI step to build and test this documentation. Tools like sphinx can help with this.
Download all useful scripts.
curl -o scripts/
Talks about make clean
and make create_repo_template
make venv
make clean
make create_repo_template
- Extract -> Load -> Transform -> Load (ELTL) pure python.
- Orchestrate with DAGs (self-implemented) and dockerize the pipeline.
- CICD with GitHub Actions and deploy to Google Artifact Registry.
- Deploy to Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) and run the pipeline on
Extract data from BigQuery to local environment. Note here the data is transformed by dbt and pushed to BigQuery. This transform is not the same as the transform in the preprocessing step of machine learning. This transform is just to make the data agnostic to downstream tasks such as machine learning.
To ensure that your machine learning experiments are reproducible, you should keep track of the following components:
- Code
- Data
- Model config, artifacts and metadata
Use a version control system like Git to keep track of your codebase. Git allows you to track changes in your code over time and manage different versions. To log the exact commit hash of your codebase when logging your MLflow run, you can use the following code snippet:
import subprocess
commit_hash = (
subprocess.check_output(["git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"]).decode("utf-8").strip()
mlflow.log_param("commit_hash", commit_hash)
By logging the commit hash, you can always refer back to the exact version of the code used for a specific run, ensuring reproducibility.
For data versioning, you can use a tool like DVC (Data Version Control). DVC is designed to handle large data files, models, and metrics, and it integrates well with Git. DVC helps you track changes in your data files and manage different versions.
When you start a new MLflow run, log the DVC version or metadata of the input data used in the experiment. This way, you can always retrieve the exact version of the data used for a specific run, ensuring reproducibility.
Important points:
- gitignore will be created automatically in data folder once you dvc add.
- After successfully pushing the data to remote, how do you "retrieve them"?
- If you are in the same repository, you can just pull the data from remote.
Yes, the idea is to use dvc checkout to switch between different versions of your data files, as tracked by DVC. When you use dvc checkout, you provide a Git commit hash or tag. DVC will then update your working directory with the data files that were tracked at that specific Git commit.
Here are the steps to use dvc checkout with a Git commit hash:
Make sure you have the latest version of your repository and DVC remote by running git pull and dvc pull.
Switch to the desired Git commit by running git checkout <commit-hash>
Run dvc checkout to update your data files to the version tracked at the specified commit.
Remember that dvc checkout only updates the data files tracked by DVC. To switch between code versions, you'll still need to use git checkout.
git checkout <commit_hash>
dvc checkout # in this commit hash
dvc pull
You have already logged the artifacts (model, vectorizer, config, log files)
using mlflow.log_artifact()
. You can also log additional metadata related to
the artifacts as you have done with additional_metadata. This should be
sufficient for keeping track of the artifacts associated with each run.
By combining code versioning with Git, data versioning with DVC, and logging artifacts and metadata with MLflow, you can ensure that your machine learning experiments are reproducible. This makes it easier to share your work, collaborate with others, and build upon your experiments over time.
- Check the commit hashes for the code and data used in the run.
- Checkout the code and data versions using the commit hashes.
git checkout <commit_hash>
pip install -r requirements.txt
python train
# once done
git checkout main
Mirroring my MLFlow example's README as well as my MLOps documentation.
gcloud compute ssh --zone "asia-southeast1-a" "mlops-pipeline-v1" --project "gao-hongnan"
gaohn@<VM_NAME> $ git clone
gaohn@<VM_NAME> $ cd common-utils/examples/containerization/docker/mlflow
Then we echo something like the below to .env
echo -e "# Workspace storage for running jobs (logs, etc)\n\
# db\n\
# mlflow\n\
MLFLOW_ARTIFACT_STORE_URI=gs://gaohn/imdb/artifacts" > .env
Finally, run bash
to build the docker image and run the container.
Once successful, you can then access the MLFlow UI at
Indeed, comparing the newly trained model with the currently deployed model (often referred to as the "champion" model) is a common practice in many production settings. This is typically done by evaluating both models on the same validation dataset and comparing their performance metrics.
The MlflowClient provides a method get_model_version that you can use to retrieve details about a specific version of a registered model, including its metrics. If you've logged your model's performance metrics during training, you can retrieve these metrics and compare them with the performance of your new model.
Here's a simple example of how you might compare the new model to the currently deployed model:
def get_production_model_performance(model_name):
client = MlflowClient()
production_model = client.get_latest_versions(model_name, stages=["Production"])[0]
return production_model.run_data.metrics
def compare_models(production_metrics, new_model_metrics):
# Compare the performance metrics of the two models
# This is a simple comparison, you might want to implement more robust model comparison logic.
return new_model_metrics["accuracy"] > production_metrics["accuracy"]
def promote_model_to_production(model_name, new_model_metrics, new_model_version):
production_metrics = get_production_model_performance(model_name)
if not compare_models(production_metrics, new_model_metrics):
print(f"New model did not outperform the current production model.")
client = MlflowClient()
print(f"Model {model_name} version {new_model_version} is now in production.")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Failed to transition the model {model_name} version {new_model_version} to production. Error: {e}")
# call the function to promote model to production
promote_model_to_production("imdb", new_model_metrics, model_version.version)
|---> if no model in production
| |
| ----> transition_model_to_production (deploy new model)
|---> if model in production
----> get_production_model_performance (get current model metrics)
----> compare_models (compare new model and current model)
----> if new model is better
----> transition_model_to_production (deploy new model)
We create a new ssh key for this project to interact with GCP VM. We will make it passwordless for convenience.
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/<SSH-FILE-NAME> -C "<USERNAME>"
A concrete implementation is as follows:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/mlops-pipeline-v1 -C "gaohn"
And then in to ssh into the VM, we need to add the ssh key to the VM.
and once in the VM, we need to add the ssh key to the VM.
cd ~/.ssh
Open the authorized_keys
file and paste the public key in.
nano authorized_keys
Back on your local machine, open the
file in a text
editor and copy its content.
Paste the content into the authorized_keys
file on the VM.
Now one can ssh into the VM without password.
And to use the private ssh keys in github actions, we need to add the private key to github secrets.
cat ~/.ssh/<SSH-FILE-NAME> | gh secret set <SSH-FILE-NAME> -b-
This guide provides instructions on how to set GitHub secrets and GitHub Actions environment variables from the command line.
GitHub secrets are encrypted environment variables securely stored in your repository settings. They're not shown in logs or to public forks and used for storing sensitive information such as API keys or credentials.
GitHub Actions environment variables are stored in plaintext and are visible in logs. These are used for storing non-sensitive information, like system paths or feature flags.
To set secrets in bulk, use a file with each line corresponding to a secret in
. This file can be named as you see fit,
but for this example, we'll call it .env.github
Execute the following command:
gh secret set -f $ENV_FILE
This command will read each line from ENV_FILE
and set them as separate
secrets in your repository.
To set an individual secret, such as the contents of a JSON file, use the -b
flag to provide the secret's body. The content of the JSON file needs to be
passed as a string to the command. Be careful as the terminal treats the JSON
content as a string and may cause errors if not properly formatted.
JSON_CONTENT=$(cat ~/path_to_your_file/gcp-storage-service-account.json)
gh secret set $SECRET_NAME -b '$JSON_CONTENT'
In a similar fashion, you can set GitHub Actions environment variables in bulk
using a file with each line corresponding to a variable in the format
. This file can be named as you see fit, but for
this example, we'll call it .env.github.variables
Use the following command:
gh variable set -f $ENV_FILE
This command will read the ENV_FILE
and set each line in the file as a
separate GitHub Actions environment variable in your repository.
This way, you can manage your GitHub secrets and environment variables directly from your terminal, improving your workflow's efficiency.
We will leverage Docker to containerize our application. For a comprehensive understanding of Docker, please refer to this detailed guide.
Just as producing high-quality code is essential, crafting well-structured Dockerfiles is equally crucial. You can find a dedicated section on Dockerfile best practices here.
- Use a
file to exclude files and directories from the build context. - Use multi-stage builds to keep the final image small and secure.
- Use git commit hashes as tags for your images.
We will be using Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) to deploy our application. As usual, we assume that you have the google cloud sdk installed and configured.
On top of that, you need to install the
gcloud components install gke-gcloud-auth-plugin
As a first time user, I used the autopilot feature of Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) to create a cluster. The autopilot mode is a fully managed mode that allows users to focus on deploying their applications without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. It is a good choice for beginners.
Here is the command you provided broken down line by line for better readability:
gcloud container --project "gao-hongnan" clusters create-auto "autopilot-cluster-2" --region "asia-southeast1" --release-channel "regular" --network "projects/gao-hongnan/global/networks/default" --subnetwork "projects/gao-hongnan/regions/asia-southeast1/subnetworks/default" --cluster-ipv4-cidr "/17" --services-ipv4-cidr "/22"
This command is creating an Autopilot cluster in GKE.
--project "gao-hongnan"
sets the GCP project to use.clusters create-auto "autopilot-cluster-1"
creates an Autopilot cluster namedautopilot-cluster-1
.--region "us-central1"
specifies the region where the cluster will be created.--release-channel "regular"
specifies the release channel for the cluster.--network
are specifying the network and subnetwork for the cluster.--cluster-ipv4-cidr "/17"
and--services-ipv4-cidr "/22"
are specifying the IP address ranges for the cluster and the services within the cluster.
Remember to replace the project name and other parameters with your specific values.
After creating the Kubernetes cluster using the gcloud
command, the next step
would be to authenticate kubectl
with the newly created cluster. You can do
this with the following command:
gcloud container clusters get-credentials autopilot-cluster-2 --region asia-southeast1 --project gao-hongnan
which outputs:
Fetching cluster endpoint and auth data. kubeconfig entry generated for
This command fetches the access credentials for your cluster and automatically
configures kubectl
. This allows you to use kubectl
to interact with your
kubectl get nodes
which outputs:
❯ kubectl get nodes
NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION gk3-autopilot-cluster-1-default-pool-0f7a9b55-wdgd
Ready <none> 10m v1.25.8-gke.1000
gk3-autopilot-cluster-1-default-pool-15d96b34-3szz Ready <none> 10m
Why are there two nodes in the output?
In Kubernetes, a cluster consists of at least one master node and multiple worker nodes. The master node (or control plane) manages the cluster, while the worker nodes (or just nodes) are where your applications run.
When you create a cluster on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), GKE automatically configures your cluster with multiple nodes for redundancy and high availability. Each node is actually a separate virtual machine that is part of your cluster.
So, even though you have one cluster, that cluster is made up of multiple nodes.
The command kubectl get nodes
lists all the worker nodes in your cluster. In
your case, you have two worker nodes in your cluster, hence you see two nodes in
the output.
The fact that you have two nodes means that your cluster has more resources to run your applications, and it also means that if one node fails, your applications can still run on the other node.
Create a ConfigMap: As explained in the previous posts, you need to create a
ConfigMap for your non-sensitive configuration data. Save the configuration data
in a configmap.yaml
file and then use kubectl apply -f configmap.yaml
create the ConfigMap in your Kubernetes cluster.
kubectl apply -f scripts/k8s/dataops/config_maps/configmap.yaml
which outputs:
configmap/pipeline-dataops-config created
and to view it you can do:
kubectl get configmap pipeline-dataops-config
Create a Secret: Similarly, create a Secret for your sensitive configuration
data. Save the sensitive data in a secret.yaml
file and then use
kubectl apply -f secret.yaml
to create the Secret in your Kubernetes cluster.
kubectl create secret generic pipeline-dataops-secret \
--from-literal=GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS_JSON_BASE64=$(cat /Users/gaohn/gaohn/TheBareOps/pipeline-dataops/gcp-storage-service-account.txt) \
--dry-run=client \
-o yaml > scripts/k8s/dataops/secrets/secret.yaml
Then apply it
kubectl apply -f scripts/k8s/dataops/secrets/secret.yaml
which returns
secret/dataops-gcp-credentials-base64 created
IMPORTANT Below is an automated way to use CICD and deploy my
file. The manifests/cronjob.yaml
file is a template
which requires you to change the GIT_COMMIT_HASH to the latest commit hash of
the repo. You can do this by running the following command:
sed -i 's|*|'"$GIT_COMMIT_HASH"'|' test.yaml
kubectl apply -f -
Create a CronJob: Finally, you need to create a CronJob that uses the
ConfigMap and Secret you just created. Save the CronJob configuration in a
file and then use kubectl apply -f cronjob.yaml
to create the
CronJob in your Kubernetes cluster.
kubectl apply -f scripts/k8s/dataops/manifests/dataops_cronjob.yaml
Warning: Autopilot set default resource requests for CronJob
default/dataops-cronjob, as resource requests were not specified. See cronjob.batch/dataops-cronjob created
This YAML file is a Kubernetes configuration that defines a CronJob
. Let's
break down its structure:
: Specifies the version of the Kubernetes API that you're using to create this object. -
: Specifies the kind of resource you're creating. In this case, it's aCronJob
, which is a job that runs on a regular schedule. -
: Specifies metadata about the object, such as its name and labels. -
: Specifies the detailed configuration of the object. This can include a wide variety of settings, and it's where most of the configuration happens.-
: Specifies the schedule for the job in Cron format. In this case, it's set to run every 2 minutes. -
: Specifies the template for the job, which includes the specification for the Pod that the job runs in.-
: The specification for the Pod. This includes the containers that the Pod runs, their environment variables, and any volumes that they use.-
: The list of containers to run in the Pod. Each container includes:-
: The name of the container. -
: The image to use for the container. -
: The policy for pulling the image. This can beAlways
, orIfNotPresent
. In this case, it's set toAlways
, so the image is pulled every time the Pod starts. -
: The environment variables for the container. Each environment variable includes a name and a value, which can be a literal value or a reference to a value stored in a ConfigMap or a Secret. -
: Specifies where to mount volumes in the container's file system.
: The volumes that the Pod uses. Each volume includes a name and a source, which can be a literal value or a reference to a value stored in a Secret, a ConfigMap, a PersistentVolumeClaim, or another type of volume source. -
: Specifies the Pod's restart policy. In the event of a failure, this is set toOnFailure
, so the Pod will be restarted.
If you have applied this configuration correctly, Kubernetes will create a new
resource according to these specifications.
After applying this configuration, you can monitor the status of the CronJob by
running kubectl get cronjobs
and kubectl get jobs
. This will list the
CronJobs and the Jobs they created.
If the CronJob is working correctly, it will create a new Job according to its schedule (in this case, every 2 minutes). Each Job will create a Pod that runs your specified container.
kubectl exec ...
Great, it seems like your CronJob has been created successfully!
The warning message you see is because you have enabled Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Autopilot, which automatically sets default resource requests for workloads when resource requests are not specified.
Here are the steps for what you can do next:
kubectl describe cronjob dataops-cronjob
to see the details of the CronJob or in generalkubectl describe pods
to check some errors especially if your CronJob is not running. Can watch your progress likeEvents: Type Reason Age From Message ---- ------ ---- ---- ------- Normal Scheduled 11s Successfully assigned default/dataops-cronjob-28130878-qtbxd to gk3-autopilot-cluster-1-pool-1-ffa4a760-q5lt Normal Pulling 2s kubelet Pulling image ""
Check the status of your CronJob: You can use the
kubectl get cronjobs
command to list the CronJobs in the current namespace. The output should show the status of your CronJob including the last schedule time.kubectl get cronjobs
View the Job created by the CronJob: Once the CronJob has been triggered according to its schedule, it creates a Job. You can use
kubectl get jobs
to view the jobs that have been created. You can also usekubectl describe job <job-name>
to view more details about a specific Job.kubectl get jobs kubectl describe job <job-name>
View the logs of the Pods created by the Job: Each Job creates one or more Pods to execute the task. You can use
kubectl get pods
to view the Pods andkubectl logs <pod-name>
to view the logs of a specific Pod.kubectl get pods kubectl logs <pod-name>
or if you want to monitor real time if the job is long.
kubectl logs -f <pod-name>
Check the result of your data pipeline: Depending on what your data pipeline does, you might want to check the result. For example, if your data pipeline writes data into a database, you could check the contents of the database to ensure the data has been written correctly.
Remember that a CronJob will run according to the schedule you specified ("_/2 _ * * *" in your case, which means every 2 minutes). Make sure your data pipeline can complete within this interval to avoid overlapping runs.
You can use kubectl logs <pod-name>
to check the logs of the Pods. Here you
can find the output of your script (
), which will help you verify
whether the script executed successfully or not. If you see the expected output
in the logs, this indicates that the cronjob is successful.
This guide provides instructions on how to set Kubernetes secrets from the command line.
Kubernetes Secrets are objects that let you store and manage sensitive information, such as passwords, OAuth tokens, and ssh keys. Storing confidential information in a Secret is safer and more flexible than putting it verbatim in a Pod definition or in a container image.
To set secrets in bulk, use an environment file with each line corresponding to
a secret in the format SECRET_NAME=SECRET_VALUE
. This file can be named as you
see fit, but for this example, we'll call it .env.k8s
Execute the following command:
NAME=pipeline-dataops-secret # Name of the secret
kubectl create secret generic $NAME --from-env-file=$ENV_FILE
This command will read each line from the environment file and set them as separate secrets in your Kubernetes namespace.
To know more about what the command does, you can run the following commands to see the documentation.
kubectl create secret --help
kubectl create secret generic --help
If you want to set an individual secret, use the following command:
kubectl create secret generic my-secret --from-literal=MY_VARIABLE="Hello, world!"
This command will create a Secret named my-secret with a single entry named MY_VARIABLE, whose value is "Hello, world!".
This way, you can manage your Kubernetes secrets directly from your terminal, which can help you improve the efficiency of your Kubernetes workflows.
The folder structure of the mock dataops pipeline (without additional packages like airbyte or dbt).