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Controller Manager Library

REUSE status

This basic library is intended to easily implement kubernetes controllers and webhooks.

It contains some parts which support writing controllers, webhooks and a generic controller manager definition. The controller manager can be used to aggregate any number of controllers. Those controllers might also be developed in different projects.

The library provides a cluster and resource abstraction, allowing to work with several logical clusters that are finally mapped to effective clusters when instantiating controller for a controller manager.

For example: There might be a controller watching resources in a source cluster and creating other dependent resources in a target cluster, wheras source and target cluster might also be identical

There are two basic usage modes for the controller manager:

  • explicitly configuring controller manager definitions
  • configuring and running a default controller manager based on controller and/or webhook registrations provided by init functions.

The controller manger itself is just a frame for embedded extension types. The implementation of the extension does the actual work. So far, two extension types are available:

  • controller manages kubernetes controllers
  • webhook manages kubernetes admission webhooks. There might be more extension in the future.

It is possible to use the controller manager to run only controller or webhooks, or a combination of both. Depending on the anonymous imports only those extension types (controller or webhook) will be incorporarted, that are really used.

Quick and Easy

Building a controller manager consists of 5 steps (plus 3 optional):

  • Define and register a controller and/or webhook
  • Implement at least one reconciler (which does the real work) for a controller
  • Optional: Define the logical clusters supported by the controller manager
  • Just import the package of the controller/webhook definitions that should be aggregated into the controller manager into your main program.
  • Optional: Provide the cluster mapping for the various controllers
  • Implement a simple main function.
  • Register standard API groups in a desired version and/or.
  • Optional: Register additional non-standard API Groups

Defining a Controller

The definition for a reconciler watching configmaps could look like this:

import (

	corev1 ""

func init() {
		DefaultWorkerPool(10, 0*time.Second).
		StringOption("test", "Controller argument").
		MainResource("core", "ConfigMap", controller.NamespaceSelection("default")).

Here a controller named cm is defined, backed by a reconciler factory function Create. Automatic leader election is enabled with RequireLease, the default worker contains 10 workers and does not automatically resync (resync period set to 0s). It defines a non-resource event (poll). Such events are called command. It also specifes a command line argument (test). The main resource, i.e. the resource objects which are reconciled, is set to kind ConfigMap of the api group core. In this example it only listens to resource objects in the namespace default.

The reconciler interface

A reconciler is defined by a creation function (Create in the example above) that is called to create a reconciler instance, when a controller is instantiated.

func Create(controller controller.Interface) (reconcile.Interface, error) {

	val, err := controller.GetStringOption("test")
	if err == nil {
		controller.Infof("found option test: %s", val)

	return &reconciler{controller: controller}, nil

Therefore it can access the values for the requested command line arguments. Typically the reconciler struct should contain a field holding the actual controller instance, because this one can be used to call several useful methods, for example it can trigger further (subsequent) events.

type reconciler struct {
	controller controller.Interface

var _ reconcile.Interface = &reconciler{}

The task of a reconciler is to handle events: commands and resource events. Therefore it has to implement the reconcile.Interface interface. To concentrate on the function required for the actual scenario the implementing struct can use the reconcile.DefaultReconciler as anonymous member to provide a default implementation for unrequired methods.

The (optional) method Start is called when the controller finally is started. Here it just issues an initial poll command.

func (h *reconciler) Start() {

The (optional) method Commands handles command events.

func (h *reconciler) Command(logger logger.LogContext, cmd string) reconcile.Status {
	logger.Infof("got command %q", cmd)
	return reconcile.Succeeded(logger).RescheduleAfter(60*time.Second)

For resource reconciliation the methods Reconcile, Delete and Deleted can be implemented.

func (h *reconciler) Reconcile(logger logger.LogContext, obj resources.Object) reconcile.Status {
	switch o := obj.Data().(type) {
	case *corev1.ConfigMap:
		return h.reconcileConfigMap(logger, o)

	return reconcile.Succeeded(logger)

func (h *reconciler) Delete(logger logger.LogContext, obj resources.Object) reconcile.Status {
	//logger.Infof("delete infrastructure %s", resources.Description(obj))
	logger.Infof("should delete")
	return reconcile.Succeeded(logger)

func (h *reconciler) Deleted(logger logger.LogContext, key resources.ClusterObjectKey) reconcile.Status {
	//logger.Infof("delete infrastructure %s", resources.Description(obj))
	logger.Infof("is deleted")
	return reconcile.Succeeded(logger)

Delete is only called if finalizers are set for the object, so it should only be used if the reconciler uses an own finalizer and has to remove it again. In this case the Delete method can be omitted.

Deleted is called after the object has been finally deleted. It is called only once and cannot be retriggered. In this sense it is just a notification. If cleanup tasks are required a finalizer should be used.

Note: A finalizer can be set or removed with methods of the controller interface.

A complete example can be found here with the command main package.

Defining a Webhook

The definition for a webhook working on resource quotas could look like this:

import (

func init() {
		Resource("core", "ResourceQuota").
		DefaultedStringOption("message", "yepp", "response message").

If desired, the webhook registrations can be maintained by the extension, also, either registering every webhook separately, or bundled per target cluster. As for controllers, webhooks can use the multi-cluster feature provided by the controller manager. To use this feature the webhook must declare a cluster. This can be an explicit one using the regular cluster names, or the default cluster for the webhook extension using the name webhook.MAIN_CLUSTER. This cluster can be configured independently of the cluster mappings, which might be useful, only if the a combination of controllers and webhooks are used.

The webhook extension supports various kinds of webhook runtime scenarios:

  • service based in-cluster webhooks
  • service based running together with the API server in a second cluster
  • hostname based for running webhooks somewhere outside a cluster

The required server certificate can either be given via command line arguments or they are maintained in a dedicated Kubernetes cluster as secret. In this second scenario the CA and the certificate is maintained and renewed automatically.

The handler interface

A handler is defined by a creation function (MyHandlerType in the example above) that is called to create a handler instance, when a controller is instantiated.

func MyHandlerType(webhook webhook.Interface) (admission.Interface, error) {
    msg, err := webhook.GetStringOption("message")
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing option message")
    webhook.Infof("found option message: %s", msg)
    return &MyHandler{message: msg, hook: webhook}, nil

Therefore it can access the values for the requested command line arguments. Typically the handler struct should contain a field holding the actual webhook instance, because this one can be used to call several useful methods, for example it can be used marshal or unmarshal objects

type MyHandler struct {
	message string
	hook webhook.Interface

var _ admission.Interface = &MyHandler{}

func (this *MyHandler) Handle(logger.LogContext, admission.Request) admission.Response {
	return admission.Allowed(this.message)


The task of a reconciler is to admission requests. Therefore it has to implement the admission.Interface interface. To concentrate on the function required for the actual scenario the implementing struct can use the admission.DefaultHandler as anonymous member to provide a default implementation for unrequired methods.

So far, there is no Startfunction as for the controller. This will change in later releases. It is recommended to always add the DefaultHandler to keep updating straight forward.

A complete example can be found here with the command main package.


There are two more variants for the handler interface, that provides access to parsed objects using the resource abstraction provided by this project. The type names are identical, but the package is a sub package of the admission package. Additionally the handler type must be adapted using the Adapt function of the package. It maps the specific handler type into a standard AdmissionHandlerType.

  • plain resources The package pkg/controllermanager/webhook/admission/plain provides parsed objects with the plain resource abstraction just requiring a scheme, but not a concreate source cluster.
  • cluster based resources The package pkg/controllermanager/webhook/admission/bound provides parsed objects with the regular resource abstraction requiring a source cluster for the handler. Such a handler works only for the dedicated declared cluster and cannot be registerd somewhere else.

The Main of the Controller Manager

The main module of a controller manager should import the definition packages of the desired controller with anonymous (_) imports to enable automatic registration of the controller.

import (
	_ ""

The main function then just needs to call the default controller manager:

import (

func main() {
	controllermanager.Start("test-controller", "Launch the Test Controller", "A test controller using the controller-manager-library")

Please refer to a complete example

Using API Groups

The used resource abstraction requires information about the object implementations for the resources of the used API Groups. Some standard API Groups are registered by importing a default scheme for a dedicatd version:

import (
	admissionregistration ""
	apps ""
	corev1 ""
	extensions ""

func init() {

Two preconfigured standard schemes are provided by the library, that can just be selected by using and additional anonymous import:

If other API groups are used by the controllers, they must explicity be (additionally) registered according the example above. If this library is redistributed together with a new API group, this registration can directly be done in the package defining its SchemeBuilder. Otherwise it could be done together with the controller registration or main function.

It is also possible to select a dedicated scheme for a dedicated controller or webhook by using the Scheme configuration function.

Command Line Interface

The settings for all the configured controllers will be gathered and finally lead to a set of command line options.

For the example controlelr above, this would look like this:

$ ./test-manager --help
A test controller using the controller-manager-library

  test-controller [flags]

      --cm.default.pool.size int   worker pool size for pool default of controller cm
      --cm.test string             Controller argument
      --controllers string         comma separated list of controllers to start (<name>,source,target,all) (default "all")
  -h, --help                       help for test-controller
      --kubeconfig string          default cluster access string       id for cluster default
  -D, --log-level string           logrus log level
      --plugin-dir string          directory containing go plugins
      --pool.size int              default for all controller "pool.size" options
      --server-port-http int       directory containing go plugins
      --test string                default for all controller "test" options
time="2019-01-17T17:56:37+01:00" level=info msg="waiting for everything to shutdown (max. 120 seconds)"

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