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Kubernetes Webhook Authenticator that allows for dynamic registration of OpenID Connect providers


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OpenID Connect Webhook Authenticator for Kubernetes

REUSE status

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The OpenID Connect Webhook Authenticator allows Kubernetes cluster administrators to dynamically register new OpenID Connect providers in their clusters to use for kube-apiserver authentication.

Note: This repository still in alpha stage and in active development. It should not be used in production. The API can change without any backwards compatibility.


In Kubernetes, only a single OpenID Connect authenticator can be used for end-users to authenticate.

To workaround this limitations, a Webhook Token Authentication can be configured. The Kube APIServer then sends the Bearer Tokens (id_token) to an external webhook for validation:

  "apiVersion": "",
  "kind": "TokenReview",
  "spec": {
    "token": "(BEARERTOKEN)"

Where upon verification, the remote webhook returns the identity of the user (if authentication succeeds):

  "apiVersion": "",
  "kind": "TokenReview",
  "status": {
    "authenticated": true,
    "user": {
      "username": "",
      "uid": "42",
      "groups": [
      "extra": {
        "extrafield1": [

This repository is the out-of tree implementation of Dynamic Authentication KEP.

Use cases

How it works

This webhook is a Kubernetes controller that acts on OpenIDConnect resources e.g:

kind: OpenIDConnect
  name: foo
  clientID: some-client-id
  usernameClaim: email
  usernamePrefix: "test-"
  groupsClaim: groups
  groupsPrefix: "baz-"
  - RS256
    baz: bar
  caBundle: LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJU...base64-encoded CA certs for issuerURL.

Note: The fields in the specification corresponds to the kube-apiserver OIDC flags.

Registration of a new OpenID Connect provider

The flow is following:

  1. Admin adds a new OpenIDConnect to the cluster.
  2. The webhook controller watches for changes on this resource and does OIDC discovery. The OIDC provider's configuration has to be accessible under the spec.issuerURL with a well-known path (.well-known/openid-configuration).
  3. The webhook controller uses the jwks_uri obtained from the OIDC providers configuration, to fetch the OIDC provider's public keys from that endpoint.
  4. The webhook controller uses those keys, issuer, client_id and other settings to add OIDC authenticator to a in-memory list of Token Authenticators.

An overview of the controller:

alt text

End-user authentication via new OpenIDConnect IDP

When a user wants to authenticate to the kube-apiserver via this new Custom OpenIDConnect IDP:

  1. The user authenticates in Custom IDP.

  2. id_token is obtained from Custom IDP (e.g. ddeewfwef...).

  3. The user uses id_token to perform an API call to Kube APIServer.

  4. As the id_token is not matched by any build-in or configured authenticators in the Kube APIServer, it is send to OpenID Connect Webhook Authenticator for validation.

      "TokenReview": {
        "kind": "TokenReview",
        "apiVersion": "",
        "spec": {
          "token": "ddeewfwef..."
  5. The webhook then iterates over all registered OpenIDConnect Token authenticators and tries to validate the token.

  6. Upon a successful validation it returns the TokenReview with user, groups and extra parameters:

      "TokenReview": {
        "kind": "TokenReview",
        "apiVersion": "",
        "spec": {
          "token": "ddeewfwef..."
        "status": {
          "authenticated": true,
          "user": {
            "username": "",
            "groups": [
            "extra": {
              "": [
              "": [

It adds the following extra information, that can be used by custom authorizers later on:

  • contains the name of the OpenIDConnect authenticator which was used.
  • contains the UID of the OpenIDConnect authenticator which was used.

Docker images

Docker images are available here or you can choose to pull the latest pre-release version with the following command:

docker pull

Local development

For this setup the following components are needed:

The API server is started with --authentication-token-webhook-config-file with kubeconfig file pointing to the Webhook.

mkdir -p ~/.minikube/files/var/lib/minikube/certs
cp config/samples/minikube-webhook-kubeconfig.yaml ~/.minikube/files/var/lib/minikube/certs/minikube-webhook-kubeconfig.yaml

minikube start \
  --extra-config=apiserver.authentication-token-webhook-config-file=/var/lib/minikube/certs/minikube-webhook-kubeconfig.yaml \

To allow easy communication between the kube-apiserver and the oidc-webhook-authenticator minikube IP is added as control-plane.minikube.internal in /etc/hosts

sudo sed -ie '/control-plane.minikube.internal/d' /etc/hosts
echo "$(minikube ip) control-plane.minikube.internal" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

Add the CRD:

kubectl apply -f config/crd/bases/authentication.gardener.cloud_openidconnects.yaml

Build the image, so it's accessible by minikube:

minikube image build -t oidc-webhook-authenticator .

Deploy the oidc webhook authenticator.

kubectl apply -f config/samples/deployment.yaml

Create an OpenIDConnect resource configured with your identity provider's settings (see an example here). Get a token from your identity provider. You can now authenticate against the minikube cluster.

curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer $MY_TOKEN" $(k config view -o=jsonpath="{.clusters[?('minikube')].cluster.server}")

Alternatively you can also use a token kubeconfig or the kubelogin plugin and configure an OIDC kubeconfig.