tl;dr Exposes envsecret.Process
, designed to follow envconfig.Process
and retrieve secrets from stores such as Vault and AWS Secrets Manager.
Package secret
wraps interaction with secret stores and is designed to complement
, though it can work independently. Local, Vault and AWS Secrets Manager
stores are included, but custom stores can implement envsecret.Store
Define a configuration specification suitable for envconfig
, but use an
implementation envsecret.Secret
in place of any remotely stored secrets.
The package provides a few implementations for common use cases,
e.g. envsecret.String
, envsecret.Login
, and others.
Instead of configuring the secret value in the environment variable, configure it's secret identifier, as defined by the given secret store: e.g. an ARN if using AWS Secrets Manager or a Vault secret path.
Processing by envconfig
should populate each secret's identifier by by implementing
. Then, envsecret.Process
will retrieve each requested secret and
populate it according to it's Decode
By default, secrets are not required. This means an error will only be returned
if a secret is marked as required:"true"
in the configuration struct tags.
Given the following environment configuration and secrets configured in AWS Secrets Manager:
The code below will populate the configuration struct with the requested secret values:
// Configure a specification struct for envconfig.
type Config struct {
// Non-secret types can be mixed freely with secret types.
Debug bool
Region string `envconfig:"AWS_REGION" default:"us-east-1"`
// SomeSecret will default to the "value" key found in the secret
// named "somesecret-name-in-aws"
SomeSecret envsecret.String `split_words:"true"`
// RequiredSecret will cause an error if its key "requiredsecret-name-in-aws"
// is not present in the config.
RequiredSecret envsecret.String `split_words:"true" required:"true"`
// AnotherSecret will also use the secret found at "somesecret-name-in-aws"
// but with a different key than the default, "some_other_key"
AnotherSecret envsecret.String `split_words:"true" secret_keys:"some_other_key"`
// The PublicKey type expects a base64 encoded key from which
// to construct an *rsa.PublicKey.
PublicKey envsecret.PublicKey `split_words:"true"`
// Login provides a username and password pair.
Credentials envsecret.Login
func main() {
// Process as normal with envconfig. This will populate the secret store
// identifiers necessary for secret retrieval.
var config Config
envconfig.MustProcess("app", &config)
// Set up a secret Store, in this case AWS Secrets Manager.
awsSession, _ := session.NewSession(aws.NewConfig().WithRegion(config.Region))
sm := secretsmanager.New(awsSession)
secretStore := envsecret.NewSecretsManager(sm)
// Retrieve the secrets from the Store and populate the config
// with their secret values.
envsecret.MustProcess(&config, secretStore)
// Types implementing Secret determine how to populate themselves via
// their implementation of Decode. For example, the envsecret.String type
// populates a Value field with the secret string value, and envsecret.PublicKey
// populates a Key field with a constructed rsa.PublicKey.