An eZ Publish translation extension which aims to simplify, reduce & streamline the English terms and phrases currently used in eZ Publish.
In addition it aims to tidy up the UI, by:
- only showing elements as needed
- grouping elements logically
- consistency of terminology
Extract the extension into your extension directory
Add to the [ExtensionSettings] section in /settings/override/site.ini.append.php as an ActiveExtension[] or to /settings/siteaccess//site.ini.append.php as an ActiveAccessExtension[] (e.g ActiveAccessExtension[]=ezenglish)
In the same site.ini, under [RegionalSettings], add or change your Locale setting to "eng-NZ@simple". You don't need to do this for any other setting. If you're using eng-GB or similar as your default locale, just change the folder under ezenglish/translations to "eng-GB@simple" or similar.
Clear your ini & translation caches from the ezpublish root directory: php bin/php/ezcache.php --clear-tag=ini #use -s <your_siteaccess> if applicable php bin/php/ezcache.php --clear-tag=i18n